Latest Articles about Australia

Taiwan in Focus at the Shangri-La Dialogue

Executive Summary: PRC Defense Minister Dong Jun’s experience in international military exchanges allowed him to showcase a blend of assertiveness in his speeches and a congenial rapport with foreign journalists during his appearance at this year’s Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. The Dialogue saw a notable... MORE

Indonesian President and West Papuan Militants Rely on Regional Organization to Resolve Conflict; Negotiations to Free Hostage New Zealander Continue

On May 27, Indonesian President Joko Widodo (“Jokowi”) received a video-recorded death threat from Egianus Kogoya (“Egi”), the commander of the West Papua National Liberation Army-The Free Papua Movement (TPNPB-OPM) in Nduga Region, Highland Papua Province. Egi stated he would execute his hostage, New Zealander... MORE

Australia-China Tensions Simmer Amid Trade War and AUKUS

Introduction In a speech about the impact of the ongoing trade war with China on Australia, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said that the “economy has shown itself to be highly resilient” (Department of the Treasury of Australia, September 6). In his address, Frydenberg conveyed a defiant... MORE

Beijing Speaks on the Proposed Group of Seven Expansion

Introduction Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7)—an informal bloc of industrialized nations which includes Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States—met virtually on February 19 in preparation for an upcoming June summit. The meeting focused on intensifying health cooperation; expanding vaccine... MORE