Latest Articles about Central Asia

Kazakhstan Balances NATO and Pro-Russian Alliances

On April 21 Kazakhstan's Defense Minister Daniyal Akhmetov announced the country's refusal to participate in the NATO military exercises in Georgia. Cooperative Longbow-Cooperative Lancer 2009 was scheduled for May 6 to June 1 in Georgia, originally involving forces from 18 nations. Akhmetov did not provide... MORE

“Water Summit” in Central Asia Ends in Stalemate

On April 28, the five Central Asian leaders met in Almaty to discuss water issues related to the Aral Sea. The discussion on the interstate regulation of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers (both flowing into the Aral Sea) between upstream and downstream countries... MORE

Manas Scheduled to Resume Civilian Status

The military and security authorities in Kyrgyzstan are actively preparing for the planned closure of United States' air base at Manas in August. Bishkek is also intensifying its efforts to strengthen the Collective Rapid Security Treaty (CSTO) by preparing a battalion to participate within the... MORE

Opposition Selects Presidential Candidate to Stand Against Bakiyev

On April 20, the Kyrgyz opposition announced their candidate to compete with President Kurmanbek Bakiyev in the presidential election in July. After weeks of indecision, the opposition chose Almazbek Atambayev, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and former Prime Minister. The two leading... MORE

Uzbekistan Refuses to Attend CSTO Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

On April 16-17 the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Council of Foreign Ministers' met in Yerevan to discuss international security issues, the potential for cooperation with other multilateral bodies, and the situation in Afghanistan. At the top of its agenda however, was the progress towards... MORE

German RWE Signs Groundbreaking Agreement for Turkmen Gas

On April 16 in Ashgabat, the German energy giant Rheinisch-Westfaelische Elektrizitaetswerk (RWE) entered into an agreement with Turkmenistan on offshore gas field development and gas deliveries. RWE board chairman Juergen Grossmann and Yagshgeldi Kakayev, head of the Turkmen State Agency for the Management and Use... MORE

Bishkek Sees Yet Another Political Assassination

As the presidential elections draw nearer, political assassinations and criminality are on the rise within Kyrgyzstan. On April 14, another Member of Parliament (MP) Sanjarbek Kydyraliyev, was shot dead outside his home in Bishkek. Kydyraliyev is the fifth MP killed in Kyrgyzstan since President Kurmanbek... MORE


SAUDI AL-QAEDA LEADER OUTLINES NEW STRATEGY AND TACTICS OF AL-QAEDA IN THE ARABIAN PENINSULA In a statement delivered on Saudi Arabia’s state-owned Al-Ikhbariyah TV, a former leading member of al-Qaeda in Yemen, now in detention in Riyadh, described the revised tactical and strategic approach taken by... MORE