Latest Articles about Central Asia

Kyrgyz Opposition Unable to Challenge the Regime

As the July 23 presidential election approaches in Kyrgyzstan, the number of contenders is rapidly dwindling. From the original twenty two candidates registered to run for the presidency, the number has now dropped to seven. The list will continue shrinking further, according to Kyrgyz experts,... MORE

Karimov Accuses Kyrgyzstan of Harboring Terrorists

Uzbekistan's President Islam Karimov has blamed neighboring Kyrgyzstan for harboring the criminals that carried out shootings in Kharshi-Khanabad on May 26. The Kyrgyz government denied the allegations and increased security at checkpoints on its border with Uzbekistan. The recent disagreement reflects growing tensions between the... MORE

Russia Promotes Joint Ventures with Mongolia

The Kremlin has reiterated its pledges to implement sizable infrastructure development projects in Mongolia in an attempt to boost bilateral economic ties. On ?May 13, the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin visited Mongolia, urging the country to create new major joint ventures and develop agricultural... MORE

Nazarbayev Signals Kazakhstan’s OSCE Priorities

On May 21 Kazakhstan's President Nursultan Nazarbayev characterized the country's forthcoming chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) as a vital part of its interest in pursuing integration with Europe. Having entered the OSCE troika this year (alongside Finland and Greece),... MORE

Astana Drifts Away From EU-Favored Energy Projects

Gas and oil supplies to energy-hungry Europe have always featured as the key topic in talks between Astana and EU officials, concerning Kazakhstan's OSCE chairmanship in 2010. Stifled by the precarious situation in the energy sector, the EU has often ignored the heavy-handedness of the... MORE

Manas at the Center of Kyrgyzstan’s Complex Foreign Policy

As Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev is seeking re-election in July, he is balancing foreign policy between promises made to Russia and maintaining relations with the United States. Any decision on foreign policy is made with the idea of retaining his power, despite his low approval... MORE

Kazakhstan Balances NATO and Pro-Russian Alliances

On April 21 Kazakhstan's Defense Minister Daniyal Akhmetov announced the country's refusal to participate in the NATO military exercises in Georgia. Cooperative Longbow-Cooperative Lancer 2009 was scheduled for May 6 to June 1 in Georgia, originally involving forces from 18 nations. Akhmetov did not provide... MORE

“Water Summit” in Central Asia Ends in Stalemate

On April 28, the five Central Asian leaders met in Almaty to discuss water issues related to the Aral Sea. The discussion on the interstate regulation of the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers (both flowing into the Aral Sea) between upstream and downstream countries... MORE

Manas Scheduled to Resume Civilian Status

The military and security authorities in Kyrgyzstan are actively preparing for the planned closure of United States' air base at Manas in August. Bishkek is also intensifying its efforts to strengthen the Collective Rapid Security Treaty (CSTO) by preparing a battalion to participate within the... MORE