Latest Articles about Central Asia


Islamic State in West Africa Province’s Unprecedented Expansion in Nigeria Jacob Zenn When compared to the Syria and Iraq provinces, Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) is the Islamic State’s (IS) most prolific wilayah in terms of attacks, but it is also undergoing an... MORE

The South Caucasus and Central Asia: Diversifying the EU Gas Market

In early April, high-level Italian and French delegations traveled separately to Azerbaijan to discuss cooperation in the energy sector, including natural gas exports and “green” electricity generated from Caspian-basin wind (, April 2, 8). The twin visits occurred against the background of mounting anxieties about... MORE

Middle Corridor: Potential Alternative to Russian Railways?

The Russo-Ukrainian war has cast doubt on the sustainability of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative’s (BRI) “Northern Corridor” because of mounting Western sanctions on this overland route’s key links—Russia and Belarus (see EDM, April 8, 18). The growing vulnerability of the Northern Corridor, which... MORE