Latest Articles about Balkans

Moscow Wants to Have It Both Ways on Montreux Convention
Moscow wants to have it both ways on the Montreux Convention, which governs naval passage through the Turkish Straits (the Bosporus and the Dardanelles), casting itself as a supporter of this agreement when it works to its advantage but at the same time ignoring and... MORE

Romania Faces Major Defense Hurdles in 2019
In 2019, Romania will face three major defense policy challenges, which, if not handled efficiently, will hinder its ability to deter aggression on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) eastern flank and improve its military posture in the Black Sea region. These challenges affect the... MORE

Russia Sets an Anniversary Ambush for NATO
The meeting of 29 foreign ministers from member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), in Washington, DC, last week (April 3–4), marking the 70th anniversary of the North Atlantic Alliance, was not a joyful occasion for Russia. During the celebration, Russia was duly... MORE

New Caspian–Black Sea Transit Corridor Boosts Geostrategic Importance of South Caucasus
On March 4, Romania, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkmenistan held a ministerial meeting in Bucharest—the first such quadripartite gathering for these governments. During this meeting of their foreign ministers, the parties issued a joint statement reaffirming mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability... MORE

For Italy’s Ruling Nationalists, Energy Security More Important Than Putin’s Friendship
New natural gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean might be a boon for the European Union’s efforts to move away from dependence on Russian energy supplies. In the current complex energy game between Europe and Russia, Italy could play an important role as an entry... MORE

Romania Undertakes Naval Modernization Program (Part Two)
*To read Part One, please click here. Less than two weeks after ringing in the New Year, the Romanian government halted its naval modernization plans due to legal and administrative delays (MAPN, January 11, 2019). This suspension deals a huge blow to Bucharest’s efforts... MORE

Serbia-Kosovo Land Swap Talks: A True Peace Agreement or Moscow-Desired Useful Precedent?
The official visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia, on January 17, has raised high expectations among both the Serbian leadership and the public that Moscow would help Belgrade win its territorial dispute with Kosovo (Balkan Insight, January 17; TASS, January 16). Moscow evidently... MORE

The Balkan Gas Hub: A European Gas Trading Platform or South Stream Lite?
With the completion, in November, of the offshore section of the TurkStream natural gas pipeline from Russia to western Turkey, the Bulgarian government kicked its preparations for creating a Balkan Gas Hub into high gear. On November 30, Bulgaria’s parliament included the construction of the... MORE

Russian and Non-Russian Pipelines to Supply Gas to Southern Europe Charge Ahead
Russia’s Gazprom has completed the underwater portion of the TurkStream pipeline, which will be able to carry 15.75 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas a year under the Black Sea, through Turkey, and on to Europe. At a ceremony marking the occasion, Presidents Recep... MORE

Despite US Sanctions on Iran, Green Light for the Southern Gas Corridor
The United States’ Federal Register published the “Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations” on November 5, re-imposing US sanctions on Iran (Federalregister.gov, November 5). This expected action by Washington had raised concerns in Baku about the potential implications of renewed Iran sanctions on Azerbaijan’s Shah Deniz-II... MORE