Latest Articles about Europe's East

Russia Imposes Its Own Terms on Ukraine for Release of Prisoners (Part One)
On September 7, Ukraine’s Presidential Office and the Kremlin announced a mutually agreed decision to release 35 prisoners from detention by either side. On the same day, the 35 freed citizens of Ukraine were flown from Russia to Kyiv, where President Volodymyr Zelenskyywelcomed them on... MORE

Lukashenka, Bolton and Russia’s Double-Headed Eagle
United States National Security Advisor John Bolton’s visit to Minsk was preceded, accompanied and followed by an unprecedented number of commentaries in Belarus and Russia. For the most part, however, they constitute a self-contained phenomenon. That is, the respective publications hardly cast any light on... MORE

Russian Disinformation, Psy-Ops Operations Target New Ukrainian Government
Despite various hints and declarations of progress in Moscow’s dialogue with the new Ukrainian government, Russia has nonetheless maintained its aggressive behavior. The shelling of Donbas persists, and the Ukrainian General Staff reports almost daily on new casualties—wounded or killed. Simultaneously, the Kremlin’s information operations... MORE

China’s Growing Interest in Ukraine: A Window of Opportunity or a Point of Concern?
During his recent visit to Ukraine, on August 28, United States National Security Advisor John R. Bolton forcefully argued against Kyiv permitting the selling of a controlling stake in Motor Sich—one of the world’s largest manufacturers of advanced engines for civil and military airplanes and... MORE

Ukrainian ‘Footprint’ in the Libyan Civil War: Reality or Disinformation?
On August 6, an Ilyushin Il-76TD turbofan strategic airlifter owned by the Ukrainian airline SkyAviatrans LLC was destroyed at the Misrata International Airport, in northwestern Libya. The airport had been the site of an intense armed conflict between the Libyan National Army (LNA) loyal to... MORE

Belarus’s Sovereignty Upswing
Several developments suggest Belarus is entering a new phase of its evolution as a sovereign country. First, the state-owned Belarusian Oil Company has hired the American lobbyist David Gencarelli to help ease sanctions against Belarus and obtain permission to purchase crude oil from the United... MORE

Putin Leans on Russian ‘Grandeur,’ Leaving Russians Vexed
The end of summer 2019 found Russian President Vladimir Putin busy with high international politics. He is no longer riding with aging bikers in Crimea or making pilgrimage to the Valaammonastery together with Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Instead, he traveled to France and Finland as... MORE

Ukraine’s Petroleum-Sector Challenges: Raising Domestic Output and Cutting Corruption
Volodymyr Zelenskyy inherited formidable challenges when he was elected Ukraine’s sixth president this spring, including a Kremlin-backed war with “separatists” in the east, deep-rooted corruption, and an ongoing natural gas dispute with Russia. Ukraine is now responding to the gas discord by trying to negotiate... MORE

Ukraine Sets Its Sights on the Arctic: A Viable Prospect, or Wishful Thinking?
Ukraine’s ambassador to Norway, Vyacheslav Yatsiuk, visited the Svalbard archipelago on June 12, where he stated that his country “may become an Arctic player” (Vestifinance.ru, July 5), even though Kyiv is not currently directly involved in the region’s affairs. In 2017, Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr... MORE

Moldova’s ‘Hybrid’ Governing Coalition: Physiognomy, Goals, Prospects (Part Two)
*To read Part One, please click here. Establishing the rule of law in Moldova will have to start not even from scratch but from the rubble that must be cleared away first (see Part One, EDM, August 7). Restoring the integrity of the electoral system... MORE