Latest Articles about Europe

The Navalny Poisoning and Russia’s Nerve Agent Politics

Prominent Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny (44) suddenly became critically ill on August 20, onboard a passenger jet destined for Moscow soon after takeoff from the western Siberian city of Tomsk. The pilot made an emergency landing in the nearby city of Omsk. An ambulance... MORE

Georgian Authorities Seek to Block Azerbaijani Investment in Telecommunications Infrastructure

On July 17, Georgia’s parliament approved amendments to the Law on Electronic Communications, which will allow the Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) to appoint “special managers” to telecommunications companies (, July 17). The GNCC is a state regulatory authority charged with distributing electronic communication protocols (rules... MORE

Belarus at Moscow’s Mercy All Over Again

Alexei Dzermant is a Belarusian champion of closer amalgamation with Russia and the author of the upcoming book Belarus-Eurasia: Borderland of Europe and Russia. “There is one thing the white-red-whites ought to be appreciated for,” he writes, “Their active role in this political crisis has... MORE

A Chain of Poor Choices Leads Putin Into a Serious Blunder

Russia traditionally returns to normal work, after a summer break, on September 1. This year, however, although schools reopened as usual, broader public and political life persisted on its earlier course of disarray and downturn. In his televised address to schoolchildren, President Vladimir Putin spoke... MORE