Latest Articles about Europe

Gazprom Intent on Rolling Back EU’s Energy Market Legislation

With the backing of the Kremlin, and some help from interested European parties, Gazprom is intent on rolling back the European Union’s Third Energy Legislation Package on EU territory. The Russian government and Gazprom have signed inter-governmental and corporate agreements to build sections of the... MORE

Clampdown on Free Speech in Russia as Fallout From Ukrainian Crisis

Moscow-based, independent television cable news channel Dozhd (meaning “Rain”) has been accused of “extremism,” and a number of cable TV providers threatened to remove it from the TV-channel packages that they offer their subscribers.  On January 26, 2014, in “Dilettanty”—a panel discussion program on the... MORE

Beyond Shah Deniz: Azerbaijan’s Next-Generation Gas

Azerbaijan is prepared to supply European Union countries with natural gas for decades to come and in growing volumes. The giant Shah Deniz field, where the producers’ consortium has just approved Phase Two of development (see EDM, January 14), is planned to start commercial production... MORE

Balts Again on Collision Course With Moscow Over Georgia

Moscow commentators have already denounced the Baltic countries for supposedly helping to organize the Ukrainian revolution (, and they have condemned Estonia, along with Finland, for supposedly stirring up the Finno-Ugric nations of the Middle Volga region of the Russian Federation ( But Moscow and... MORE

Azerbaijan Considers Long-Term Strategy on Natural Gas Exports

Speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev highlighted the start-up of the largest European energy infrastructure project, involving: Shah Deniz Phase Two of field development and three dedicated pipelines to connect that Azerbaijani gas field with European Union territory. The... MORE