Latest Articles about Russia

The Dimming Prospects of US-Russian Deescalation

United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, met for the first time in person on May 19, 2021, in Reykjavik, Iceland, on the sidelines of the Arctic Council ministerial. Their get-together represented an attempt to deescalate mounting... MORE

Belarusian Political Standoff: Entrenchment on All Sides

On May 12, Ukrainian Defense Minister Andrii Taran stated that, for now, his country did not face any immediate danger of a Russian invasion through neighboring Belarus. Nonetheless, he assured that Kyiv was “meticulously monitoring the situation” and evaluating available plans for responding to such... MORE

Belarusian Oil Industry Suffers From US Sanctions

On May 19, one month will pass since the United States revoked its suspension of sanctions against several Belarusian public companies, mostly from the petrochemical industry (BelTA, April 20;, April 19). Despite the 45-day wind-down period established, it seems that the resuming restrictions have... MORE

Outreach to Putin, Crackdown on Medvedchuk: A Hard Stretch for Zelenskyy

Ukrainian law enforcement authorities have detained Viktor Medvedchuk, head of the pro-Russia parliamentary opposition, to prosecute him on treason charges (see EDM, May 13). President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has publicly hailed (, May 14) the move against this personal protégé of Russian President Vladimir Putin; and... MORE

Moscow Cannot Find Opening to Boost Its Role in Middle East

Russia has traditionally excelled at exploiting crises in the Middle East as a way to boost its own global stature, but the sharp escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in recent weeks has left Moscow uncharacteristically muted. At the United Nations Security Council, Russia ceded the... MORE

Putin’s Russia Reverts Still Deeper Into Soviet Legacy

Under President Vladimir Putin’s rule, the annual May 9 grand military parade on Red Square in Moscow has transformed into the main ideological prop to legitimize his regime. Changes have already been made to the Russian constitution and additional legislation is being introduced making it... MORE