Latest Articles about Russia

Russia’s Air Defense Capabilities Boosted by Automated Systems
Since Moscow initiated its long-term military modernization program over a decade ago, an important focal point in this complex process has proved to be the emphasis upon automated command and control (C2). The digitization of Russia’s C2 structures aims to enhance the speed and efficiency... MORE

Russia’s Non-Energy Exports Boom: A Not-so-Unequivocal Triumph?
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Minselkhoz), the year 2020 set a new record for Russia’s exports of agricultural products. Cumulatively, the country exported 79 million tons of products (worth $30.7 billion), a 20 percent increase year on year (Forbes.ru, March... MORE

Moscow Seeks to Put Gagauz in Play Against Pro-Western Moldovan President
The 125,000 ethnic Gagauz who live in southeastern Moldova seldom receive much press in their own right except for the fact that they are a rare Turkic people who are mostly Orthodox Christians. But they do attract broader attention when they become part of Russia’s... MORE

Special Services Aggravate Bad Governance in Russia
The escalation of repressions against all manifestations of discontent in Russia inevitably results in greater influence of the country’s special services and police, often described as the siloviki (literally, power-wielders). This plain fact has come into sharper focus when the Kremlin found it necessary to... MORE

Moscow’s Plans for New Kind of Aircraft Carrier Unlikely to Be Realized
In late February, TASS reported that Russian designers have come up with “a new class of ship.” The vessel, nicknamed the Varan, will function as an aircraft carrier as well as perform other duties, be small enough to not require the renovation of Russian shipyards... MORE

Russia Escalates Its Proxy War in Eastern Ukraine
The ceasefire on the line of control in the breakaway Donbas region of eastern Ukraine is unraveling. In July 2020, both sides—the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) and the Moscow-backed “separatists”—agreed to enforce a “full suspension of hostilities.” Both sides withdrew heavy weapons from the frontline... MORE

Russia’s Digitalization of the Arctic Region: Plans and Achievements
The “Strategy for the Development of the Russian Arctic Zone and Provision of National Security Through 2035” (Pravo.gov.ru, October 26, 2020) highlights, among others, three crucial aspects. First, it de facto introduces a “region-specific approach” in the strategically important though problem-riddled Arctic region, where special... MORE

Russia’s Electronic Warfare Capabilities as a Threat to GPS
According to Russian military media, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has expressed growing confidence in the Armed Forces’ electronic warfare (EW) capabilities. This has proved to be a consistent area of military modernization over the past decade for Russia. However, according to a growing number of... MORE

Russia’s Historical Markers and a Hampered Future
Early spring in Russia is a season of awakening from winter slumber—and it is remarkably rich with hopeful historical markers. The notion of “thaw” is forever connected with the liberating death of Joseph Stalin on March 5, 1953, and the “secret speech” of Nikita Khrushchev... MORE

Can Russia Capitalize on the Current Political Unrest in Georgia?
The political standoff in Georgia (see EDM, February 24, March 1), temporarily mitigated thanks to European Council President Charles Michel’s mediation between the government and the opposition in Tbilisi on March 2, is highly likely to resume and intensify in the coming days or weeks.... MORE