Latest Articles about Russia

Moscow Worried About Chinese Dominance of Northern Sea Route

For years, Moscow had expected that it could dominate the Northern Sea Route and access to the rich natural resources on the Arctic seabed by virtue of its geographic position and its possession of the largest fleet of icebreakers in the world—assets that are absolutely... MORE

Putin Leans on Russian ‘Grandeur,’ Leaving Russians Vexed

The end of summer 2019 found Russian President Vladimir Putin busy with high international politics. He is no longer riding with aging bikers in Crimea or making pilgrimage to the Valaammonastery together with Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Instead, he traveled to France and Finland as... MORE

Georgians in Abkhazia: A Choice Between Assimilation and Emigration

On June 27, the Moscow-backed separatist authorities of Abkhazia again closed their region’s border with Georgia. Tbilisi considers this border, which runs along the Enguri River, purely “administrative,” but Sukhumi and Moscow recognize it as a “state” border. The Abkhazian de facto government justified its... MORE

Russia Rehearses Multi-Platform Warfare in the Baltic Sea

Russia’s Armed Forces have commenced Okeanskiy Shchit (“Ocean Shield”) 2019 naval exercises in the Baltic Sea, under the direction of the commander-in-chief of the Russian Military-Maritime Fleet (Voyenno-Morskoy Flot—VMF), Admiral Nikolai Yevmenov. The exercises, running from August 1 to 9, also involve platforms from the... MORE