Latest Articles about Russia

Serdyukov Has Been Disgraced, but His Reforms Will Continue

A month ago on November 6, President Vladimir Putin sacked Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, replacing him with Sergei Shoigu, a former long-time emergency situations minister (MChS), who was only last May appointed governor of the Moscow region. Russia’s top general—the first deputy defense minister and... MORE

Will Georgians Watch Russian TV Channels Again?

The new Georgian government’s decision to resume broadcast of Russian television channels may be among the most important recent moves by the country’s leadership ( The previous government suspended Russian television broadcasts in Georgia in August 2008. Now some cable companies in Georgia have again... MORE

Russia Sees Sakhalin-Japan Energy Projects as Bargaining Tool

Russia’s gas monopoly, Gazprom, has apparently ruled out the possibility of building a subsea Sakhalin-Japan natural gas pipeline. However, the continuation of talks on this ambitious project is thought to remain a valuable bargaining instrument in Russia’s difficult negotiations with China on gas prices.On November... MORE

Russia is Pushing Georgia into Accepting More Concessions

On November 29, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in response to the new Georgian government’s attempts to normalize ties with Russia, declared that Moscow was ready for dialogue with Tbilisi. However, the talks would progress on the condition that Georgia takes into consideration new geopolitical... MORE