Latest Articles about Russia

Sergei Ivanov Seeks Deals in Washington

The Russian authorities are seeking a major détente with the West. A draft of a revised foreign policy doctrine was leaked and extracts published by Russky Newsweek in Moscow this month. The document was prepared by the foreign ministry and envisages closer political cooperation with... MORE

Russia Pursues Post-Soviet Integration

In yet another bid to strengthen cooperation with the “near abroad,” Moscow has hosted informal summit meetings of the major post-Soviet groupings. However, the gatherings also served to highlight continued disagreements between some member states.On May 8, informal summits of the Collective Security Treaty Organization... MORE

Kremlin Contemplates a Seismic Shift in Russian Foreign Policy

Two conceptual strategy documents, one outlined in briefings by the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, and another “leaked” to Newsweek in Moscow appear to indicate that a seismic shift in the country’s foreign policy is under consideration. If this is implemented more fully, it will... MORE

Zurab Noghaideli’s National Council Bandwagons With Russia

On May 13 in Tbilisi, the political bloc “National Council” announced its intention to open representative offices in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The declared goals are to maintain liaison with Russia’s executive and legislative authorities and also with the Georgian diaspora in Russia (Civil Georgia,... MORE

Bishkek’s Dependence on Russia and Kazakhstan Deepens

During the Collective Security Treaty Organization’s (CSTO) informal summit on May 7 in Moscow, member states – Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan – expressed concern over the ongoing instability in Kyrgyzstan. In the joint statement CSTO members agreed that the regime change in... MORE

Moscow Seeks to Remove Restraints on Naval Base Upgrade in Ukraine

Ukrainian President, Viktor Yanukovych, has dismissed reports about the possible basing of Russian naval units in Mykolayiv, Odessa, and the Danube estuary, as “fantasies” (Interfax-Ukraine,, May 13).Such reports have leaked out of the preparatory work for Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev’s, May 17-18 visit to... MORE

Medvedev’s Ineffectual Foreign Policy Lacks Putin’s Firm Hand

Glitz and fanfare in foreign policy have been President, Dmitry Medvedev’s, main preoccupation since the Victory Day parade on May 9. After the back-to-back official visits to Syria and Turkey, he telephoned US President, Barack Obama, and in Moscow greeted the Brazilian President, Luiz Inacio... MORE