Latest Articles about Russia

Russia’s Hired Lobbies in the West

Russia's attempts to promote a positive image of being a "reliable energy supplier" as well as a safe and profitable haven for foreign investments have played a significant role in Russian policy. To achieve this goal the Russian government and state-owned companies have hired Western... MORE

Russia-Ukraine Diplomatic War

On July 27 the Kommersant daily, citing diplomatic sources, said that Ukraine intended to expel the Russian General Consul in Odessa, Oleksandr Grachov. The Ukrainian authorities have long accused the consulate of involvement in the illegal distribution of Russian passports to Crimean citizens. Kommersant described... MORE

Skype and ICQ Face Ban in Russia

When the Russian state initiates an executive order to inspect citizens' mail (EDM, July 21), it is the regime's idea of business as usual. However, when big business initiates harsh legislation to ban foreign competition and invokes national security as the rationale, it might seem... MORE

U.S.-Ukraine “Tough Love:” the Feeling is Mutual

U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden's visit to Ukraine (EDM, July 28) underscored the shift from enthusiastic support of Euro-Atlantic integration goals to conditional support, depending on Ukraine's own performance. Dubbed "tough love," this revision in U.S. policy was long in the making, but had not received... MORE

Moscow Relaxes NGO Legislation in the North Caucasus

On July 20 President Dmitry Medvedev signed into law amendments to Russian NGO legislation. The changes make it easier for the NGO's to register with the government, to report on their activities and limit government agencies' ability to perform regular checks on NGO's (, July... MORE