Latest Articles about Russia
Moscow Likely to Trigger Outrage If It Forces Protesters to Fight in Ukraine
Executive Summary: Moscow has used various measures short of a new mobilization to fill the ranks of its dwindling army in Ukraine and appears ready to force protesters into the army and send them to fight. In Dagestan, a republic that has often been bellwether... MORE
Iran and Russia Seek to Reshape Global Hegemony with New Bilateral Agreement
Executive Summary: Cooperation between Iran and Russia has improved incrementally since 2022, especially in the military sphere. The two countries are expected to sign a comprehensive strategic partnership agreement toward the end of this year. Moscow and Tehran have faced challenges due to Western sanctions and... MORE
Arms Manufacturing in Russia in January–September 2024 Demonstrates No Growth
Executive Summary: The Russian industrial output index comparing January–September 2024 to January–September 2023 is 104.4 percent, demonstrating economic growth when considering the data in rubles. The inflation of the ruble makes it seem as if the Russian military-industrial complex is growing. However, when considering these... MORE
Putin and Kim Look for Opportunities Amid US Elections Turmoil
Executive Summary: Russia is leveraging the United States’ preoccupation with its presidential election to advance its strategic interests, bringing in additional military support from North Korea with the arrival of North Korean troops and supplies. This alliance benefits both parties, as North Korea gains technological... MORE
To Combat Demographic Decline, Moscow Must Focus on Mortality Rather than Fertility
Executive Summary: Russia’s continuing population decline means it will soon not have enough people to run its economy and fight in its wars. Russian President Vladimir Putin is talking ever more about falling fertility rates but doing little to decrease the increasingly high mortality rates.... MORE
Kremlin Prioritizes Russian Language in Moscow’s Near Abroad
Executive Summary: In the aftermath of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, governments in Eastern Europe have begun reducing the presence of the Russian language in their education systems to combat Moscow’s influence and the Russification of their populations. The preservation of the Russian language abroad is... MORE
Russia Escalates its War Against Ukraine Into Global War Against the West
Executive Summary: North Korean troops have been deployed to support Russia in its war against Ukraine. This is part of a mutual security alliance that strengthens Russia’s frontline without requiring further mobilization. The Western response has so far been cautious, with the United States downplaying... MORE
Kremlin Backs Revival of Tsarist-Era Anti-Semitic Union of the Russian People
Executive Summary: Far-right Russian nationalist groups are becoming increasingly active, with some already instigating pogroms and intimidating officials. Other organizations like the historically infamous Union of the Russian People have attracted the support of the Kremlin and the Russian Orthodox Church. The Union of the... MORE
Stagflation in Russia Likely as Kremlin Redistributes Businesses to Avoid Discontent
Executive Summary: Economists predict a slowing of Russia’s civilian economy next year with a strong inflationary trend. This will elicit dissatisfaction, not only among ordinary people, but also among the industrial elites. To ease this pressure, Russian authorities have turned to economic blackmail in the... MORE
Putin’s Much Ado About the BRICS Summit
Executive Summary: The BRICS summit, held in Kazan, was met with great fanfare in Russian propaganda. Propagandists hailed it for its “epochal” significance. Moscow commentators promoted the idea that the BRICS summit demonstrated that Russia is not and cannot be isolated in the international arena.... MORE