Latest Articles about Azerbaijan

Baku Ramps Up Efforts to Re-Integrate the Karabakh Region

On March 1, the Azerbaijani authorities held a meeting with the representatives of the Armenian community of Karabakh at the headquarters of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in Khojaly district in Azerbaijan. Russian Major General Andrey Volkov, commander of the peacekeeping unit, mediated the session (,... MORE

Armenian-Turkish Earthquake Diplomacy

On February 6, a 7.7-magnitude (Mw) earthquake hit Turkey’s Southeastern Anatolia Region with its epicenter at Pazarcık, Kahramanmaras. Less than 12 hours later, a second 7.6-Mw earthquake, centered on Elbistan, Kahramanmaras, followed. As a result of three major earthquakes in total, tens of thousands of... MORE