Latest Articles about Azerbaijan

Armenia Tries to Diversify Its Foreign Policy Away From Russia

On January 23, the European Union announced it would be sending a civilian mission to Armenia for a two-year term to document tensions on the border with Azerbaijan (, January 23; see EDM, February 8). The EU’s recent decision follows earlier attempts by Brussels to establish... MORE

Crisis in Lachin Corridor Risks Triggering Broader War in South Caucasus

As the standoff in the Lachin Corridor—the primary land route into and out of the Armenian-controlled areas of Azerbaijan’s Karabakh region—enters its third month, the humanitarian situation there is rapidly deteriorating, prompting ever-more ethnic Armenians in the region to consider leaving while simultaneously attracting more... MORE

Attack on Azerbaijani Embassy in Iran Further Divides the World

After an armed gunman broke into the Azerbaijani embassy in Tehran on January 27, killing a security officer and wounding two others, Baku suspended diplomatic activity at the embassy and pulled its staff out of Iran. However, five Azerbaijanis were left to guard the embassy... MORE

What to Expect From the Azerbaijani–Armenian Peace Process in 2023

The end of 2022 marked another round of confrontation between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Karabakh region with the involvement of Russian peacekeeping forces. The standoff began in early December, when the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the separatist Karabakh region denied access to Azerbaijani officials... MORE

Can Kazakhstan Rescue Europe Amid the Russian Oil Embargo?

On December 29, 2022, Kazakhstani state-owned oil and gas company KazMunaiGaz announced plans to export oil to Germany starting in January 2023. Arrangements were made to export a total of 1.2 million tons of oil through the Druzhba pipeline via Russia and Ukraine (, December 29,... MORE

Azerbaijan Set to Become a Green Energy Supplier to the EU

In December 2022, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Hungary and Romania signed an agreement to build a strategic partnership in the field of green energy development and transmission (, December 17, 2022). According to the document’s text, the four countries plan to work together in developing a 1,195-kilometer... MORE