Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Ukraine Grants More Powers to Localities in Russian-Controlled Territory (Part One)

On September 16, the Ukrainian parliament approved a “Law on the special procedure of local self-administration in individual districts in Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk provinces” (Russian version’s terminology: poryadok, samo-upravlenie, raiony). Those two provinces of Ukraine are now, de facto, partitioned into Russian-controlled and Ukrainian-controlled... MORE

Yevtushenkov’s Arrest: A Stern Warning to All the Wealthy and Powerful

The Russian business community was shocked by the arrest this week (September 16) of one of Russia’s richest industrialists—billionaire-tycoon Vladimir Yevtushenkov (65), accused of money laundering. In 2009, Yevtushenkov acquired Bashneft, a major oil and petrochemical company. Prosecutors allege Bashneft was illegally privatized by Ural... MORE

Russia Wields Upper Hand in Ukraine’s Donbas Post-Armistice

Russia’s war against Ukraine is a multi-dimensional conflict undertaking. It has come to a standstill on the battlefield in Ukraine, but continues nonetheless in its military aspect (below the combat threshold) and in its political, economic, propaganda, and cultural aspects. Russia’s overall objective is to... MORE

Chisinau Says Pro-Moscow Provocations Ahead

Mihai Balan, director of Moldova’s Intelligence and Security Service (SIS), says the organization has evidence that Moscow is planning to stage provocations in his country in the coming weeks, in advance of the Moldovan November parliamentary elections. Russia will utilize not only traditional sources of... MORE

Between Uncle Sam and ‘Uncle Vova’

Alyaksandr Lukashenka has somewhat softened his rhetoric about the supposed crucial role of the United States in sparking the Ukrainian crisis (see EDM, September 9). On September 9, during his visit to the Minsk Industrial Leather Association, he said that “the root causes of the... MORE

Head of Dagestan Faces Criticism From Moscow

September 8 marked a year since Ramazan Abdulatipov became governor of Dagestan. Abdulatipov was officially appointed governor of the region in September 2013, even though he had been the acting interim head of the republic since January 2013. Despite Moscow’s approval of Abdulatipov and the... MORE

The Pause in the Ukraine War Is Not Putin’s Victory

The tragic battles around Donetsk and Luhansk (collectively known as the Donbas region) have taken a pause, and as civilians try to rebuild a semblance of normal life, leaders are figuring out how to now move forward. In his first 100 days, Ukrainian President Petro... MORE