Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Binding the Baton: Expanding Police Power, Improving Accountability

Since Xi Jinping’s assumption of the posts of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) General Secretary and commander-in-chief last November, much attention has been paid to his instructions about raising the army’s ability to “get ready to fight and to win wars.” A recent spate of reshuffles... MORE

Human Rights and a Geopolitical Tug of War in Belarus

Mixed messages regarding the potential release of the remaining political prisoners have been coming out of Belarus and from those monitoring the domestic situation in that country. On the one hand, the report by Miklos Haraszti, a special rapporteur on Belarus for the United Nations... MORE

Tajikistan Now Jamming a Russian Radio Station

In yet another sign of growing tensions between the Russian Federation and Tajikistan, Dushanbe has begun jamming a Russian radio station located on the grounds of the Russian military base in that Central Asian republic. Tajikistani officials say the Russians began broadcasting on an unassigned... MORE