Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Dagestan: New President, Old Problems
As was expected, Dagestani President Magomedsalam Magomedov has stepped down. Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree on January 28 ending Magomedov’s term, saying that the move was made “at his own request” ( President Magomedov managed to stay in office for exactly three years... MORE

How the Southern Weekly Protests Moved the Bar on Press Control
The row over editorial control last month at one of China’s most prominent newspapers briefly shoved the issue of press freedom out to center stage in China. Gathering outside the offices of Southern Weekly in Guangzhou after details emerged of the gutting of the paper’s... MORE

Killing of Gakaev Brothers Setback for North Caucasus Insurgency, but Not Fatal
January brought unexpected news from Chechnya. In the course of a six-day military operation against the militants in the republic’s Vedeno district, government forces killed 11 militants and captured one ( The government forces also suffered losses—two servicemen died and seven were wounded in fighting... MORE

US-Russian Relations Wither as the Kremlin Seeks out Internal and External Enemies
Since the rebellion against the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad began almost two years ago, many in the West and in the Arab World have eagerly awaited evidence of Moscow beginning to finally ditch the brutal and seemingly doomed Syrian regime. In an interview... MORE

A Post-Mortem Analysis of Mullah Nazir: The “Good Taliban” Killed in a CIA Drone Strike
A CIA Predator or Reaper drone killed the powerful South Waziristani Taliban leader Mullah Nazir and five to seven of his top deputies on the night of January 2 near Angor Adda, South Waziristan. The incident is a contentious start to the 2013 drone campaign... MORE

Who’s Who in the Jordanian Opposition: Part One
Inspired by the Arab Spring, the Salafi-Jihadists of Jordan have taken to the streets for the first time and have been holding demonstrations in several cities, including Amman, Ma’an, Salt, Irbid and Zarqa, to demand the release of their imprisoned colleagues and the implementation of... MORE

A Tale of Defection: The Story of Syrian Major General Abdulaziz al-Shalal
In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood action movie, Syrian Major General Abdulaziz al-Shalal snuck across the Syrian border into neighboring Turkey on the night of December 21, 2012, trekking across the dangerous Cilvegozu border and the town of Reyhanli in Turkey’s southern Hatay province... MORE

Circassians Grow Frustrated with Moscow’s Handling of Syrian Circassian Repatriation Requests
On January 9, Russia’s State Duma rejected Circassians’ calls for the Russian government to treat the Syrian Circassians as compatriots. In a response to a Russian parliamentary query, the head of the department of inter-ethnic relations of the Russian Ministry for Regional Development, Alexander Zhuravsky,... MORE

Deputy Prime Minister Alasania Is Demoted in Georgian Government
Prime Minister Bidzina Ivanishvili signed a decree on January 21, stripping Minister of Defense Irakly Alasania of his dual position as deputy prime minister in the Georgian government The decree appeared on the government’s website ( one day after Alasania revealed he had had... MORE

Moscow Puts Rights Groups in North Caucasus in ‘Mortal Danger’
The Russian government’s requirement that human rights organizations receiving financial assistance from abroad register as foreign agents and the unwillingness of Russian businessmen to cross the Kremlin by making up the shortfalls is hurting human rights groups across the country. But in the North Caucasus,... MORE