Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Hu’s Anti-Graft Drives Lack Institutional Checks and Reforms
While an anti-corruption campaign has been launched almost annually since the start of the reform era in 1978, there are reasons to believe the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is committing more resources to tackling graft this year. Clean governance and the allied goal of “party... MORE

Turks Growing More Confident over Turkey’s International Role
An Ankara-based think-tank, Uluslararasi Stratejik Arastirmalar Kurumu (USAK), announced the findings of its 2009 public opinion poll on Turkish perceptions of foreign policy (, August 14). The survey shows that the Turkish people prioritize national interests over global causes, and a visible increase in their... MORE

AKP’s Kurdish Initiative Sparks Political Controversy in Turkey
Since Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan revealed that his government is preparing a plan to address the Kurdish question, the domestic Turkish political debate has focused on whether peace between Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and Turkey is achievable. The Turkish President Abdullah Gul, during his... MORE

Medvedev Proposes Legal Mechanisms to Authorize Military Force Abroad
On August 10 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev held a meeting in the Black Sea resort city of Sochi with the leaders of political parties represented in the Russian legislature, the State Duma, to discuss important issues including the current political, economic and social development in... MORE

PKK Forces Await Orders from Imprisoned Leader Abdullah Ocalan
Reports indicate that Abdullah Ocalan, the imprisoned leader of the Kurdistan Workers Party (Parti Karkerani Kurdistan - PKK), will release a “roadmap” for resolving Turkey’s decades-old Kurdish insurgency on August 15 (see Terrorism Monitor, August 6). Branches of the PKK continue to operate in northern... MORE

Uyghur Diaspora Faces Government Pressure in Kyrgyzstan
On August 10, Kyrgyz authorities detained Dilmurat Akbarov, the leader of the Ittipak Uyghur society, and his deputy Jamaldin Nasyrov. These leaders had organized demonstrations calling for an independent investigation into last month's riots in Xinjiang. They featured images and posters accusing Beijing of implementing... MORE

Continued Killings of Rights’ Activists in Chechnya Challenges Moscow
Less than one month after the notorious murder of the Chechen human rights activist Natalya Estemirova, Zarema Sadullaeva and her husband Alik Dzhabrailov were kidnapped and found dead the next day in Grozny. When they initially disappeared on August 10, the Chechen police attempted to... MORE

Russian Military Weakness Could Delay Conflict with Ukraine
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has publicly attacked his Ukrainian counterpart Victor Yushchenko and called his administration's policies deliberately anti-Russian. In an open letter and in a video posting on his official Kremlin blog, Medvedev accused Ukraine of supporting "barbaric attacks" by the pro-Western regime of... MORE

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill Visits Ukraine
Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill visited Ukraine from July 27 - August 5 in order to suppress the pro-independence mood among the local clergy and more broadly, to assert Russian religious and cultural domination. Kirill made it clear that he would oppose plans, backed by Ukrainian... MORE

Anna Politkovskaya Murder: Apathy Permeates the Russian Authorities
On August 10 the family of the celebrated murdered Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who covered human rights abuses in Chechnya, issued a statement condemning a Moscow court's decision to refuse to reopen the investigation and to merge it with the main case, (designed to find... MORE