Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

The Xinjiang Crisis: A Test for Beijing’s Carrot-and-Stick Strategy
Calm has been superficially restored to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region (XAR), where an outbreak of ethnic violence on July 5 led to the death of more than 197 Han Chinese and Uighurs, according to an official count (Xinhua News Agency, July 18). Chinese Communist Party... MORE

Erdogan Offers Turkish Mediation in Israeli-Syrian Talks
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paid a one-day visit to Syria, which involved discussions on Turkey's mediator role between Israel and Syria. Erdogan and the Syrian President Bashar Assad discussed bilateral relations, regional developments and Turkey's peacemaking role in the region. Assad requested Turkey's mediating... MORE

Ukraine Tightens the Screw in Sevastopol
President Viktor Yushchenko announced his bid for a second term on July 18 defying pundits who believed his low popularity of 2-3 percent would deter him (, July 18). Yushchenko used the highest peak in Ukraine - Hoverla in the Carpathians - to declare his... MORE

Killing of Natalya Estemirova Continues to Reverberate Worldwide
The murder of human rights activist Natalya Estemirova continued to have international resonance on July 22, when Britain's Guardian newspaper published a letter signed by more than 100 prominent international figures calling on the Russian authorities to find her killers and to "end the killings... MORE

The Bulava Designer Resigns
Last week the newest Russian Navy Bulava-30 (SS-NX-30) sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) disintegrated 28 seconds after launch. The latest crash came on top of a long string of unsuccessful test launches that have called into question the future of the Bulava, planned to be... MORE

Oil Excavation Crisis in Cyprus Threatens Turkish-Greek Cypriot Negotiations
The U.N.-led peace talks launched by the Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat and his Greek Cypriot counterpart Dimitris Christofias in September 2008 aiming to find a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem has entered a new phase. On July 20 at the Peace and... MORE

Nazarbayev Purges Army of Corrupt Top Brass
One month after the dismissal of Kazakhstan's Defense Minister Daniyal Akhmetov by presidential decree on June 17, persistent rumors are still circulating about his alleged suicide. Unconfirmed reports in some media outlets suggest that Akhmetov shot himself when security police arrived to arrest him on... MORE

Tymoshenko Faces Damaging Domestic Gas Price Increases
European Commission (EC) and Ukrainian government experts will meet in Kiev on July 24 to discuss Ukraine's request for a loan to pump Russian gas into underground reservoirs for the winter. As the Naftohaz Ukrainy state-controlled oil and gas behemoth is nearly bankrupt, Ukraine has... MORE

Cycle of Government Repression and Rebel Violence Continues in the North Caucasus
The Memorial human rights group, which has suspended its activities in Chechnya in the wake of the murder of Natalya Estemirova, who worked in its Grozny office, says that it nonetheless is continuing to receive reports about rights violations in the republic, both from law-enforcement... MORE

Estemirova Murder: a Sign of Thinly-Disguised Totalitarianism in the North Caucasus
On July 18, the renowned human rights center Memorial announced the suspension of its activities in Chechnya, following the murder of its activist Natalya Estemirova on July 15. Estemirova was kidnapped in Grozny near her home and found dead in neighboring Ingushetia later on the... MORE