Latest Articles about Energy

Turkey and Brazil to Explore Oil in the Black Sea

On May 20-23 Brazil's President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva visited Turkey. Bilateral economic ties were an important element on da Silva's agenda, who was accompanied by government ministers and leading businessmen. The visit highlighted the prospects for improving cooperation between the two emerging economies,... MORE

Gazprom’s Loyalists in Berlin and Brussels

Gazprom's extensive network of loyalists, often act as "men of sacrifice," devoted to cleansing the image of the Russian state owned gas monopoly. Working out of a modern office building in Berlin owned by Gazprom Germania, a German registered company fully owned by Gazprom Export... MORE

Astana Drifts Away From EU-Favored Energy Projects

Gas and oil supplies to energy-hungry Europe have always featured as the key topic in talks between Astana and EU officials, concerning Kazakhstan's OSCE chairmanship in 2010. Stifled by the precarious situation in the energy sector, the EU has often ignored the heavy-handedness of the... MORE

Putin Raises the Stakes in his Black Sea Gas Gamble

On May 16 while Moscow was captivated by the spectacle of the "Eurovision" song contest, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin escaped to Sochi to devote himself to gas politics. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was his first guest, followed by the ceremony marking the signing of... MORE

Energy and the Russian National Security Strategy

On May 12 Russian President Dmitry Medvedev approved the latest version of the "National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation up to 2020" (, May 12). The text of the 7,300 word document was posted on the website of the Russian Security Council and is... MORE

Turkey Adopts a More Cooperative Position on Nabucco

According to a senior EU official a new deal has been struck between Turkey and the EU paving the way to sign the intergovernmental agreement for the Nabucco project in Ankara on June 25. The breakthrough was reportedly made possible by Turkey dropping its uncompromising... MORE

Moscow Strengthening its Energy Ties with China

On April 21, Beijing and Moscow finalized an intergovernmental deal under which Russia will supply China with oil for 20 years in exchange for a $25 billion loan to Russia's state-run energy companies. Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin said the construction of a branch from... MORE