Latest Articles about Energy

Mitigating the Nord Stream Two Impact on Ukraine

Two weeks after the Biden administration waived congressionally mandated sanctions on Nord Stream AG, the company behind the Nord Stream Two pipeline, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that the first link of the subsea line is completed and ready for testing (, June 4). But... MORE

Four Setbacks to Western Credibility in Ukraine (Part One)

Within the last three weeks, a series of decisions by leading Western powers seem to indicate a downgrading of Ukraine on the scale of Western policy priorities. Taken partly in deference to Russia, these decisions risk demotivating Ukrainian reform efforts (hesitant though these are) and... MORE

China’s Bid to Dominate Electrical Connectivity in Latin America

Introduction On March 31, Chilean regulators unconditionally approved the $3 billion sale of Chile’s Compañía General de Electricidad (CGE) to the Chinese state-owned electric utility company State Grid (InfoBae, March 31).  The deal follows China Southern Power Grid’s 2018 purchase of a 27.7 percent interest... MORE

Belarusian Oil Industry Suffers From US Sanctions

On May 19, one month will pass since the United States revoked its suspension of sanctions against several Belarusian public companies, mostly from the petrochemical industry (BelTA, April 20;, April 19). Despite the 45-day wind-down period established, it seems that the resuming restrictions have... MORE

Ukraine Teams up With Qatar in the Gas Sector

On April 5, Ukraine’s acting minister of energy, Yuriy Vitrenko, and his Qatari counterpart, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, signed a bilateral memorandum of understanding (MoU) on enhancing energy cooperation between the two countries (, April 5). The document envisages, in particular, possible Qatari investments in the... MORE

Russia Builds up Its Export Potential in Baltic Basin

Russian natural gas giant Gazprom signed a preliminary agreement with global engineering company Linde to deliver engineering and procurement services for the Ust-Luga gas processing plant on the Baltic Sea. Gazprom CEO Miller signed the agreement on behalf of RusKhimAlyans, a special-purpose company established on... MORE