Latest Articles about Energy

Russia Prioritizes Increased Energy Supplies To China

Russia has pledged to expand its trade with China but commercial ties between the two nations remains focused on energy. During his trip to China for the BRICS summit (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), on April 13, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev pledged to... MORE

Japan’s Approach to China’s Control of Rare Earth Elements

Japan has been dealt a number of blows over the past few years which have put the country’s high-tech production capacity at risk. Most recently the massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami that hit Japan in March has directly affected production efforts through rolling blackouts and... MORE

The Rise of the Energy Faction in Chinese Politics

The appointment earlier this month of Su Shulin, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary and general manager of Sinopec, as acting governor of Fujian Province highlighted the growing clout of the Energy Faction in Chinese politics. Senior executives of the Big Three yangqi (or centrally-controlled firms)... MORE

Renewed Calls To Close Metsamor Nuclear Power Station

After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and its disastrous impact on the Fukushima nuclear plant, the international community is once again raising concern about the Metsamor Nuclear Power station in Armenia. On April 11, National Geographic ran a powerful story, entitled “Is Armenia’s Nuclear... MORE

Russia Struggles to Forge Global Energy Partnerships

Russia’s plans to modernize its oil production sector by pursuing international energy partnerships has been dealt a blow as a major deal became mired in legal disputes. Plans by Russia’s largest oil firm Rosneft to implement a share swap agreement with BP were hindered by... MORE

Croatia Hesitates Between EU and Russia on Energy Policy

Croatia hopes to complete accession negotiations with the European Union during the course of this year. However, the government would put its own EU accession goals at risk if it were to re-orient its energy policy toward Russia, or away from EU competition policy. The... MORE

Armenia Debates Nuclear Energy After Japan Disaster

The future of the nuclear power plant at Metsamor and Armenia’s continued reliance on atomic energy has come under pressure following the nuclear disaster in Japan. The Armenian government is facing renewed calls by local environmentalists to shut down the plant that generates about 40... MORE