Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

China’s Missteps in Southeast Asia: Less Charm, More Offensive

At the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) meeting in Hanoi in July, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi―fuming at the temerity of 12 countries who had raised the contentious South China Sea dispute―stared at his Singaporean counterpart and thundered “China is a big country and other countries... MORE

China Expands Naval Presence through Jeddah Port Call

China’s naval presence on the global stage is expanding. While counter-piracy and escort operations in the Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea have significantly contributed to the Chinese navy's growing profile, foreign port visits by its naval vessels to the Gulf region are emerging as... MORE

Erdogan Survives the WikiLeaks Challenge

Since the release of the US diplomatic cables, “WikiLeaks” has been affecting various aspects of Turkish domestic and foreign policies. As the country accounts for a large share of the cables, Turkey has witnessed a heated debate on the subject. While various media outlets broadcast... MORE

Lukashenka Holds Dialogue in Minsk With US Analysts (Part Two)

Receiving a small group of US analysts in Minsk (EDM, December 15), President, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, appealed to the United States to develop a multi-track policy toward Belarus, instead of a single-dimensional policy [implying democracy-promotion divorced from everything else]. The free-wheeling discussion of almost three hours,... MORE

Lukashenka Compromises to Gain Moscow’s Support

On December 19, ten candidates will contest the Belarusian presidency. The election has been notably open, with several opposition candidates reaching out for support from Moscow, and the European Union offering encouragement to the incumbent president conditional on some basic requirements for a democratic process.... MORE

Prospects for Karabakh Peace Recede After OSCE Summit

The prospects for resolving the Karabakh conflict are as uncertain as ever after the inability of Armenia and Azerbaijan’s presidents to reach any tangible agreements on the margins of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) summit in Astana on December 1-2. It... MORE

Lukashenka Holds Dialogue in Minsk With US Analysts (Part One)

On December 14 in Minsk, Belarusian President, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, received a small group of US analysts for a discussion on US-Belarus relations. The group, drawn from several Washington think-tanks, visited Belarus at its own initiative, from a variety of policy and professional interests. Lukashenka’s unprecedented... MORE