Latest Articles about Info Warfare/Media

Russian Agitprop Pervades Central and Eastern Europe

The outbreak of the mass EuroMaidan street protests in Kyiv (2013) and Russia’s subsequent aggression against Ukraine convinced the Kremlin of the need to project Russian “soft power” to blunt any response from Europe. However, Western countries ostracized Russia particularly after it illegally and forcibly... MORE

Moscow’s Laughs Not to Be Trusted in the Baltics

Humor is a much more powerful “soft warfare” weapon in Russia’s hands than one might think. This month (March 2017), a team of academics from Latvia and Ukraine, in collaboration with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Strategic Communications Center of Excellence (STRATCOM), presented their... MORE

Donbas Blockade Exposes Political Fault Lines in Ukraine

It has been one month since a group of demobilized Ukrainian soldiers and veterans of the volunteer battalions took it upon themselves (starting on January 25) to enforce a trade embargo with the occupied territories of Donbas (region of eastern Ukraine encompassing the Donetsk and... MORE

The Illusion of a Restored Russian Superpower

The new Russian foreign policy concept, signed by President Vladimir Putin, was published on December 1 (, December 1). It replaced the previous concept adopted in 2013. The Russian financial website candidly named the new foreign policy concept a “Cold War doctrine,” because of... MORE

Russia Beefs up Its Offensive Cyber Capabilities

The Russian mass media (with a reference to the Reuters news agency) reported, on November 11, that Russian hackers launched a series of cyberattacks against analytical centers and think tanks inside the United States (, November 11). This may have been carried out by the... MORE