Brigadier Vijai K Nair

Brigadier Vijai K Nair VSM (retired) is a defense analyst specializing in nuclear strategy formulation and author of two books, including "Nuclear India."

Yani Najarian

Yani Najarian is an MA Candidate in Asian Studies at the George Washington University’s Elliott School of International Affairs and China Brief intern at The... MORE

M. D. Nalapat

Professor M. D. Nalapat is director of the School of Geopolitics of the Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India.

Nathan Nankivell

Nathan Nankivell is Senior Researcher at the Office of the Special Advisor Policy at Maritime Forces Pacific Headquarters. The views expressed are those of the... MORE

Shankara Narayanan

Shankara Narayanan is a junior at the University of Connecticut, Storrs CT, earning a B.A. in Political Science & History. In the summer of 2019,... MORE

Hani Nasira

Hani Nasira is an Egyptian writer who specializes in ideological movements. He is the author of several books, including Al-Qaeda and Jihadi Salafism: Intellectual Streams... MORE

Hamad Nazzal

Hamad Nazzal an in­de­pend­ent analyst-journalist who has extensive experience reporting from the Middle East for the U.S. government. He is a former writer for Middle... MORE

Daniel Neep

Daniel Neep is an Associate Fellow with the Middle East & North Africa Programme at the Royal United Services Institute for Defence & Security Studies... MORE

Naima Nefliasheva

Naima Nefliasheva has a PhD in history (Candidate of Historical Sciences) and is a docent and senior research fellow in the Center for Civilization and... MORE

Alexander Nemets

is a Russian researcher based in the United States who specializes in Russian and Chinese developments in defense and military reform as well as the... MORE

Alexander Neuman

Alexander Neuman is an MA student in International Security at George Mason University (graduating May 2025) and a former visiting student in the University of... MORE

Judit Neurink

Judit Neurink is editor of the Middle East section at a Dutch daily. Neurink recently published a book on the Iranian terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e-Khalq,... MORE

Lan Anh Nguyen Dang

Lan Anh Nguyen Dang is a doctoral candidate at the Graduate School, Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo), at the University of Hamburg.... MORE

Adam Ni

Adam Ni is the Co-Editor of China Neican, a policy newsletter on China issues. His focus includes China’s international relations, strategy and security issues. Previously,... MORE

Tarique Niazi

Tarique Niazi teaches Environmental Sociology at the University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire. He specializes in Resource-based Conflicts. He may be reached via email:

Ozcan Nihat Ali

Dr. Nihat Ali Özcan is a security policy analyst at the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) and a lecturer at the TOBB University... MORE

Olevs Nikers

Olevs Nikers is President of the Baltic Security Foundation and former advisor to the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia. Mr. Nikers has... MORE

Magnus Norell

Magnus Norell, PhD is Director of the Center for the Study of Low-intensity Conflicts and Terrorism (CLIENT) and a Senior Analyst at the Swedish Defence... MORE

Eric Norman

Eric Norman is a freelance writer based in Azerbaijan.

China Brief Notes

China Brief Notes offers short-form, incisive articles responding to a new event, law, speech, tifa (提法), or other development in the People’s Republic of China... MORE

Akbar Notezai

Akbar Notezai is a journalist with Dawn and is based in Quetta. He tweets at @Akbar_notezai.

Evgenii Novikov

Dr. Evgenii Novikov, an expert on Islam and on the politics and economics of the Persian Gulf region. Born in Kyrgyzstan of Russian parents, Dr.... MORE

Andrew R. Novo

Andrew R. Novo is a Professor of Strategic Studies at the National Defense University’s College of International Security Affairs and an adjunct professor at Georgetown... MORE

Siraj Nurali

Siraj Nurali is an independent analyst in Baku.

Navhat Nuraniyah

Navhat Nuraniyah is an analyst at the Jakarta-based Institute for Policy Analysis of Conflict (IPAC).

Seth Nye

Seth Nye is an Instructor with the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at West Point's Practitioner Education Program and an Adjunct Professor at New York University... MORE

Pär Nyrén

Pär Nyrén is a fellow at the Stockholm Free World Forum and non-resident fellow at Sinopsis.