Jemima Baar
Jemima Baar is currently pursuing a Master’s in International Affairs, with a concentration in International Security Policy and regional specializations in China and Russia, at... MORE
Bahruz Babayev
Bahruz Babayev is a PhD candidate and researcher at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). His main research focuses on trans-regional transportation routes as well as... MORE
Renny Babiarz
Renny Babiarz received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University where he wrote his thesis on of China’s nuclear weapons program. He previously served as a... MORE
Pavel K. Baev
Dr. Pavel K. Baev is a senior researcher at the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO).
Gregorio Baggiani
Gregorio Baggiani specializes in historical-political research and analysis of the Soviet Union, the post-Soviet states and, in particular, Ukraine. He is based in Rome, Italy.
Orkhan Baghirov
Orkhan Baghirov is a Senior Research fellow at the Baku-based non-governmental independent research organization Center for Studies of the South Caucasus (CSSC), where he is... MORE
Eva Baguma
Eva Baguma is an Atlas Corps Fellow from Uganda, who is currently a Development and Operations Associate at Ashoka. She previously served as the Program... MORE
Gegentuul Baioud
Dr. Gegentuul Baioud is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Hugo Valentin Centre of History Department at Uppsala University. She received her PhD from Macquarie... MORE
Zhulduz Baizakova
Zhulduz Baizakova is a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations, Kazakh National University and holds an MSc in International Security and Global Governance from... MORE
Chietigj Bajpaee
Chietigj Bajpaee is a Ph.D. Candidate at King’s College – London and he previously was a senior Asia analyst at Control Risks, a London-based risk... MORE
Chietigj Bajpaee
Chietigj Bajpaee is a South Asia analyst at Control Risks, a London-based risk consultancy. He has previously worked at IHS Global Insight, the Center for... MORE
Uday Bakhshi
Uday Bakhshi is a researcher focused on geopolitics and conflict in South and Southeast Asia. He is an operational risk analyst, and a contributor to... MORE
Abdul Hameed Bakier
Abdul Hameed Bakier is an expert on internet media monitoring and analysis. He is based in Jordan.
Edwin Bakker
Edwin Bakker is on the editorial board of Helsinki Monitor and Vrede & Veiligheid, and secretary general of the executive committee of the Netherlands Helsinki... MORE
Kiyya Baloch
Kiyya Baloch, a freelance journalist, reports on the insurgency, politics, and Baloch militancy in Balochistan. He tweets at @KiyyaBaloch.
Imtiaz Baloch
Imtiaz Baloch is an Islamabad-based journalist and researcher covering a diverse range of topics particularly security and conflict in Balochistan and Iran.
Harley Balzer
Harley Balzer retired in June 2016 from his full-time positions in the Department of Government, School of Foreign Service and Department of History at Georgetown... MORE
David Bandurski
David Bandurski is the editor of the China Media Project website and a frequent commentator on Chinese media. He is an award-winning journalist whose writings... MORE
Bassam Barabandi
Mr. Barabandi is Director of External Relations and Co-Founder of People Demand Change. Born in Damascus City with familial ties to Deir Azzour Province, Syria,... MORE
Anton Barbashin
Anton Barbashin is a political analyst, managing editor and member of the editorial board at Intersection Project. He is also an analyst at the Center... MORE
Jack Barclay
Jack Barclay is an independent consultant on the use of strategic communication to counter violent extremism. He is based in the United Kingdom, where he... MORE
Manhal Bareesh
Manhal Bareesh is a Syrian journalist and researcher within the framework of the Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria project, part of the Middle East Directions... MORE
Ridvan Bari Urcosta
Ridvan Bari Urcosta is a research fellow at the Institute of International Relations at Warsaw University, where he specializes in Russian Foreign Policy and particularly... MORE
Alex Barker
Alex Barker is a Research Intern at the Center for Chinese Military Studies at National Defense University’s Institute for National Strategic Studies and holds an... MORE
Yuri Barmin
Yuri Barmin is an expert at the Russian International Affairs Council, covering the Middle East and North Africa, Moscow's policy towards the region, as well... MORE
Nathaniel Barr
Nathaniel Barr is a threat analyst at Valens Global.
Clark Edward Barrett
Clark Edward Barrett researches Chinese economic and technology policy and competitiveness issues. Dr. Barrett holds a Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Cambridge,... MORE
Charles K. Bartles
Lieutenant Colonel Charles K. Bartles is an Army Reservist assigned to United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM). He has deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq, and has... MORE
Iftekharul Bashar
Iftekharul Bashar is an Associate Research Fellow at the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological... MORE
Abdul Basit
Abdul Basit is a research fellow at S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. His research focuses on jihadist militancy... MORE
Migeddorj Batchimeg
Migeddorj Batchimeg is a senior researcher at the Institute for Strategic Studies of Mongolia. She now serves as the National Security Advisor to the President... MORE
Sharon Bean
Sharon Bean has 25 years of experience building institutional capacity in a variety of settings, including civil-military, post conflict, stabilization, governance, and anti-corruption projects. Recently,... MORE
Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga
Nathan Beauchamp-Mustafaga is a Senior Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation and a former editor of China Brief.
Joseph Bebel
Joseph Bebel is the Editor of Eurasia Daily Monitor at The Jamestown Foundation. Mr. Bebel earned a BA in European Studies from Brigham Young University... MORE
Jeffrey Becker
Dr. Jeffrey Becker is an analyst in the CNA China Studies Division. Dr. Becker’s published books and monographs include From Peasants to Protesters: Social Ties,... MORE
Burak Bekdil
Burak Bekdil is an Ankara-based freelance journalist. He writes a column for the Turkish Daily News and covers defense and security for the U.S. weekly... MORE
Nurbek Bekmurzaev
Nurbek Bekmurzaev is an independent researcher and freelance journalist based in Bishkek. He has a graduate degree in International and European Security from the University... MORE
Vyacheslav Belokrenitsky
Dr. Belokrenitsky is chair of the Near and Middle East Department, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, and Professor, Institute of International... MORE
Alex Benetos
Alex Benetos is a contributor to The China Guys newsletter.
Ryan Berg
Ryan C. Berg is a research fellow in Latin America Studies at the American Enterprise Institute.
Ilan Berman
Ilan Berman is Vice President of the American Foreign Policy Council, in Washington, DC. An expert on regional security in the Middle East, Central Asia,... MORE
Jonas Bernstein
Benedetta Berti
Benedetta Berti is the Earhart Doctoral fellow at the Fletcher School, Tufts University, where she is specializing in international security studies and Middle Eastern studies.... MORE
Alec Bertina
Alec Bertina is a non-traditional security actors researcher with a focus on Russian PMCs and paramilitary groups. He is an all source analyst for Grey Dynamics... MORE
Aliy Berzegov
Aliy Berzegov is a freelance writer based in New York.
Baktybek Beshimov
Baktybek Beshimov is a former Member of Parliament and Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to India, Visiting Scholar at the Center for International Studies, MIT.
Nidal Betare
Prior to co-founding and working as the Managing Director of DC-based People Demand Change, Nidal Betare has held numerous positions working with civil society and... MORE
Aman Bezreh
Aman Bezreh is an intelligence analyst based in London. She is particularly focused on covering and analyzing jihadi groups activities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Aman has... MORE
Sanchita Bhattacharya
Dr. Sanchita Bhattacharya is a Research Fellow at the New Delhi-based Institute for Conflict Management. She works on terrorism and socio-political issues of Pakistan. She... MORE
Jack Bianchi
Jack Bianchi is a Senior Analyst at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and focuses on security strategy and defense issues in the Asia-Pacific... MORE
Mykola Bielieskov
Mykola Bielieskov is a senior analyst in the analytical department of the Ukrainian charitable foundation, Come Back Alive. His research and writing focus primarily on... MORE
Savannah Billman
Savannah Billman is a graduate of the Yenching Academy of Peking University. She is a Content Manager at China Admissions. She has written for The World... MORE
Ed Bithell
Ed Bithell is a former UK civil servant and diplomat, now writing on trade and industrial policy in Brussels. His most recent role before leaving... MORE
Richard A. Bitzinger
Richard A. Bitzinger is Senior Fellow with the Military Transformations Programme at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University. Formerly with... MORE
Andrew Black
Andrew Black is an analyst specializing in terrorism and political violence in Africa.
Madeleine Blackman
Madeleine Blackman is a recent graduate of Georgetown University, and an intern at Valens Global.
Sergei Blagov
Prior to working as Moscow-based independent researcher and journalist, Dr. Sergei Blagov was a newswire reporter. He spent nearly seven years reporting from Hanoi, Vietnam,... MORE
Stephen Blank
Dr. Stephen Blank is a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Previously, he worked as a professor at the Strategic Studies Institute of... MORE
Dennis J. Blasko
Dennis J. Blasko, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army (Retired), is a former U.S. army attaché to Beijing and Hong Kong and author of The Chinese Army... MORE
Ludo Block
Ludo Block is a former Dutch senior police officer and served as the Dutch police liaison officer for Russia and surrounding countries between 1999 and... MORE
Dan Blumenthal
Dan Blumenthal is a resident fellow in Asian studies at the American Enterprise Institute and vice chairman of the U.S.-China Security and Economic Review Commission.... MORE
Vladimir Bobrovnikov
Vladimir Bobrovnikov is a senior research fellow at the Institute for Oriental Studies (Moscow) and teaches anthropology and Arabic in the Russian State University of... MORE
Alessandra Bocchi
Alessandra Bocchi is a freelance journalist based in Italy, focusing on conflict and politics in Libya and Tunisia.
Siarhei Bohdan
Dr. Siarhei Bohdan is an associate analyst at the Ostrogorski Centre. He defended his doctoral thesis in Political Science at the Freie Universität Berlin in... MORE
Dmitry Bolkunets
Dmitry Bolkunets is engaged in analytical and political activities as a co-organizer of the Belarus Democratic Forum. He has extensive experience in PR and event... MORE
Boris Bondarev
Boris Bondarev is a former Russian diplomat who recently resigned from his position in opposition to Russia's war against Ukraine. Mr. Bondarev was born in Moscow... MORE
Jeb Boone
Jeb Boone is a freelance writer and journalist and former managing editor of the Yemen Times.
Federico Bordonaro
Federico Bordonaro is a senior analyst with the Power and Interest News Report, an analytical organization that utilizes open source intelligence to provide conflict analysis... MORE
Jakub Bornio
Dr. Jakub Bornio is an assistant professor at the University of Wrocław and a senior analyst for the Institute of Central Europe in Lublin, Poland.... MORE
Anna Borshchevskaya
Anna Borshchevskaya is the Ira Weiner Fellow at The Washington Institute, focusing on Russia's policy toward the Middle East. In addition, she is a fellow... MORE
Nicholas Borst
Nicholas Borst is a research associate and the China program manager at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. His research areas include China's financial system,... MORE
Anneli Botha
Anneli Botha is a senior researcher on terrorism at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS) in Cape Town.
Uran Botobekov
Dr. Uran Botobekov is an expert on Political Islam and is a regular contributor to Modern Diplomacy and The Diplomat. He received his PhD in... MORE
Pieter Bottelier
Pieter Bottelier is a senior adjunct professor at The Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). Prior to this, he served at the... MORE
Christopher Boucek
Christopher Boucek is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Princeton University and a Lecturer at the Woodrow Wilson School.
Juliana Bouchaud
Juliana Bouchaud is a Research Analyst with Rhodium Group's China Corporate Advisory practice, contributing to Rhodium’s research on Chinese economic, technology, and foreign policy developments,... MORE
Anouar Boukhars
Anouar Boukhars is a specialist on politics of the Muslim world. Dr. Boukhars is an assistant professor and director of the Center for Defense and... MORE
Alexandra Bradford
Alexandra Bradford has an MA in Terrorism, Security and Society from Kings College London. Her main area of study focuses on homegrown Islamist extremism and... MORE
David Bradley
David H. Bradley is a foreign area officer in the United States Army and candidate for a Master of International Public Policy (MIPP) in China... MORE
Anne-Marie Brady
Anne-Marie Brady is Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. She is the Editor of The Polar Journal and,... MORE
Anne-Marie Brady
Anne-Marie Brady is a Professor in Political Science and International Relations at the University of Canterbury, in Christchurch, New Zealand, and a Global Fellow at... MORE
James Brandon
James Brandon is a political and security risk analyst. He was Director of Research at the Quilliam Foundation, a UK-based think-tank, from 2008-2011, and was... MORE
Sigmund Brandvold
Sigmund Brandvold is a Norwegian graduate of the University of Groningen with a master’s in international security. He is an upcoming news and policy analyst... MORE
Birgit Brauer
Birgit Brauer, Ph.D., is an Almaty-based analyst and journalist who writes for the The Economist and other publications on Central Asian affairs.
Ojars J. Braze
Ojars J. Braze is an independent economic researcher based in Riga, Latvia. He studied economics and business management at Latvian University. After this, he researched... MORE
Matthew Brazil
Matt Brazil is a Senior Analyst at BluePath Labs and a Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation. He pursued Chinese studies as an undergraduate at UC... MORE
Matthew Gabriel Cazel Brazil
Matthew Gabriel Cazel Brazil is an independent China analyst interested in technology exchange and evolving global trade between the US, China, and Latin America.
Philip M. Breedlove, General, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)
Board Member Gen. Philip M. Breedlove (Ret.) is a proven strategic planner, motivational leader and talented communicator. He is a highly decorated retired general of the U.S.... MORE
Joseph Brennan
Joseph Brennan is a Program Associate at The Jamestown Foundation.
James Briggs
James Briggs is an analyst based in Nigeria.
Marc Brody
Marc Brody is an independent journalist who specializes in the Caucasus.
Jack Broome
Jack Broome is a security analyst focusing on Southeast Asian and East Asian regional politics, with a specialisation in ethno-religious violence, intra-state conflict, anti-state activity... MORE
Colin Brose
Colin focused his studies on Russia and Eurasia, gaining a Master of International Service from the School of International Service, American University and an MA... MORE
Kerry Brown
Kerry Brown is Professor of Chinese Studies and Director of the Lau China Institute at King's College, London. Prior to this he was the Professor... MORE
Michael Brown
Michael C. Brown is a third year law student at Catholic University of America’s Columbus School of Law and Deputy Executive Director of ICCSL.
Alexis Brown
Alexis Brown is a freelance writer based in mainland China. They have provided analysis for a range of global consultancies and research organizations on China's... MORE
Matthew Bruzzese
Matthew Bruzzese is a senior Chinese language analyst for BluePath Labs.
Matthew Bryza
Matthew Bryza just completed a 23-year career as a U.S. diplomat, over half of which was spent at the center of policy-making and international negotiations... MORE
Sara Brzuszkiewicz
Sara Brzuszkiewicz is Managing Editor of European Eye on Radicalization, PhD student at the University of Sacred Heart (Milan), and researcher at al-Mesbar Studies &... MORE
Girard Bucello
Girard Bucello is a Fall 2019 Europe-Eurasia Intern with The Jamestown Foundation. He holds a Master's degree in EU Politics with a specialization in the... MORE
Janusz Bugajski
Janusz Bugajski is a Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation in Washington, DC. He hosted several long-running television shows broadcast in the Balkans; has authored... MORE
Maksym Bugriy
Maksym Bugriy is a political risk and investment consultant based in Ukraine.
Syed Adnan Ali Shah Bukhari
Syed Adnan Ali Shah Bukhari is Associate Research Fellow and Team Leader of South and Central Asia Desk at the International Centre for Political Violence... MORE
Anno Bunnik
Anno Bunnik is a Ph.D. Fellow at Liverpool Hope University, the Centre for Applied Research in Security Innovation.
Oana Burcu
Dr. Oana Burcu is an Assistant Professor in Contemporary Chinese Studies and Fellow of the Asia Research Institute in the School of Politics and International... MORE
Tobias J. Burgers
Tobias J. Burgers is a Doctoral Researcher at the Otto Suhr Institute, Free University Berlin, from which he holds a Master’s in Political Science. His... MORE
Taylor Butch
Taylor Butch is a contributing analyst to the Asia Pacific Desk at Wikistrat, a foreign affairs analyst with the consulting firm Duco, and a freelance... MORE
Kiran Butt
Kiran Butt is a Pakistan-based journalist who covers security and politics in the region. She is also the digital editor at The Khorasan Diary. She... MORE