Juha Saarinen
Juha Saarinen is a researcher focusing on violent Islamism and Middle Eastern politics. He currently works at the Finnish Middle East Consulting Group and the... MORE
Anabel Saba
Anabel Saba is a senior undergraduate student at the University of Maryland-College Park, where she is pursuing a dual major in Government & Politics with... MORE
Giray Sadik
Giray Sadik received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Georgia. Dr. Sadik's research interests include U.S.-Turkish relations, transatlantic relations, foreign policy-domestic politics... MORE
Sagatom Saha
Sagatom Saha is an independent energy policy analyst based in Washington, D.C. His writing has appeared in Foreign Affairs, Defense One, Fortune, Scientific American and... MORE
Zabikhulla S. Saipov
Zabikhulla Saipov is an independent Central Asian researcher with no political or institutional affiliation. The views are the author’s own.
Vijay Sakhuja
Vijay Sakhuja, Ph.D., is Director (Research) at the Indian Council of World Affairs, New Delhi.
Shanti Salas
Shanti Salas is a private sector risk consultant who has advised companies on compliance matters for over 15 years. His area of focus is Brazil... MORE
Syed Saleem Shahzad
Syed Saleem Shahzad is the Karachi bureau chief for Asia Times.
Mohamed Redzuan Salleh
Mohamed Redzuan Salleh is a Research Analyst at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He is concurrently pursuing his... MORE
Mohammad Salman
Mohammad Salman is Ph.D. research fellow at the Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS), Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). His research focuses on Strategic Hedging... MORE
Jean-Loup Samaan
Jean-Loup Samaan is a researcher in the Middle East Department of the NATO Defense College (Italy).
Jean-Loup Samaan
Jean-Loup is a researcher at the NATO Defense College (Rome, Italy). He holds a PhD in political science from the University of Paris - La... MORE
Mykhailo Samus
Mykhailo Samus is a Deputy Director for Foreign Affairs at the Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies, in Ukraine.
Peter Sandby-Thomas
Peter Sandby-Thomas is a full-time lecturer in Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth and research co-ordinator for the Institute for the Study of... MORE
Elizabeth Santoro
Elizabeth Santoro is a Researcher at the Center for the Study of Targeted Killing who is about to receive a degree in Political Science from... MORE
Łukasz Sarek
Łukasz Sarek is a China market analyst and consultant. He is also a researcher at the Asia Research Centre, Centre for Security Studies, War Studies... MORE
Lale Sariibrahimoglu
Eurasia Analyst
Rena Sasaki
Rena Sasaki is a PhD student at Johns Hopkins SAIS and a fellow of the Pacific Forum’s Next Generation Young Leaders Program. She has published... MORE
Ryskeldi Satke
Ryskeldi Satke is a freelance contributor with research institutions and news organizations in the United States, Central Asia, Caucasus and Turkey.
Peter Y. Sato
Ambassador Peter Yoshiyasu Sato served as the Japanese Ambassador to Beijing from 1995 to 1998. He is currently the vice president of Japan-China Friendship Association... MORE
Anvar Sattori
Anvar Sattori is an expert on Tajikistan and security issues in Central Asia.
Phillip C. Saunders
Dr. Phillip Saunders is Director of the Center for the Study of Chinese Military Affairs, part of the National Defense University’s Institute for National Strategic... MORE
Yevgen Sautin
Yevgen Sautin currently works in the finance sector. He received an M.A. from the University of Chicago and speaks and reads Chinese and Russian. Mr.... MORE
Nikita Savkov
Nikita Savkov is an analyst with the Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies in Minsk, Belarus. He holds a BA in Sinology from Belarusian... MORE
Julie Sawyer
Julie Sawyer is a Research Assistant at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Abdul Sayed
Abdul Sayed has a master’s degree in political science from Lund University, Sweden, and is now an independent researcher focused on jihadism and the Af-Pak... MORE
A.R. Sayyid
A. R. Sayyid is the editor of The Somali War Monitor Blog
Chad Sbragia
Chad Sbragia is a Research Staff Member at the Institute for Defense Analyses. He was the inaugural Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for China and... MORE
Ashley Scarfo
Ashley Scarfo is a Senior Intelligence Analyst at a multinational risk management firm who produces bespoke intelligence for clients across a wide variety of industries.... MORE
Ahren Schaefer
Ahren Schaefer is a Foreign Affairs Research Analyst at the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Intelligence and Research.
Olexander Scherba
Olexander Scherba, formerly Ukraine’s Ambassador to Austria, is Senior Advisor to Naftogaz, Ukraine’s state-owned energy company.
Michael Scheuer
Michael Scheuer served in the CIA for 22 years before resigning in 2004. He served as the Chief of the bin Laden Unit at the... MORE
Benjamin L. Schmitt
Benjamin L. Schmitt, is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Project Development Scientist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, where he focuses on the development of... MORE
Charles Schmitz
Charles Schmitz is a specialist on Yemen and Arab political economy at Towson University, Baltimore, MD.
Rachel Schneller
Rachel Schneller is a diplomat in residence at the Council on Foreign Relations. She joined the State Department in 2001 as a Foreign Service Officer... MORE
Clive Schofield
Clive Schofield, Ph.D., is QEII Research Fellow and Associate Professor at the Australian Centre for Ocean Resource and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong, Australia, where... MORE
Matt Schrader
Matt Schrader was the Editor-in-Chief of the China Brief at The Jamestown Foundation. In addition to his position at Jamestown, he is also an analyst... MORE
Edward Schwarck
Edward Schwarck is a PhD Candidate at the University of Oxford.
Stephen Schwartz
Stephen Schwartz is a frequent commentator on terrorism and related issues in national periodicals and websites. He is also the author of nine books on... MORE
Kevin Schwartz
Kevin Schwartz is a research analyst at an Asia-focused financial services company and an independent geopolitics writer based in New York. His research focuses on... MORE
Emanuele Scimia
Emanuele Scimia is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. He is a contributor to Eurasia Daily Monitor and a guest columnist with the South China... MORE
Andrew Scobell
Dr. Andrew Scobell is Associate Professor of International Affairs at the George H. W. Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University.... MORE
Emma Scott
Emma Scott is an Affiliate Researcher to the Centre for Chinese Studies in Stellenbosch University, South Africa. She is also a Defense and Security Freelance... MORE
Kevin C. Scott
Kevin C. Scott is the Center Administrator of the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution.
James Scott
James Scott is an expert on Central Asian security issues.
Alexander Sehmer
Alexander Sehmer is the editor of the Jamestown Foundation's Terrorism Monitor. He works as a journalist and consultant, and is the co-founder of the political... MORE
Katharina Seibel
Katharina Seibel is a Beijing-based research intern with the China and Global Security Project at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI).
Thomas Sesin
Thomas Sesin studied Chinese at Franklin and Marshall College and spent a semester at Beijing Foreign Language Studies University. He is currently writing a book... MORE
Petra Ševčíková
Petra Ševčíková is a Sinologist and IR specialist, and recently became a non-residential fellow with, where she focuses on PRC united front and propaganda... MORE
Wali Shaaker
Born in Kabul-Afghanistan, Wali Shaaker is an adjunct policy analyst with RAND Corporation. He has served as an Associate Professor at Defense Language Institute, as... MORE
Tayyab Ali Shah
Tayyab Ali Shah is a free lance political and policy analyst. He is a Pashtun from Pakistan and has Masters degrees in Political Science, Business... MORE
Nadeem Shah
Nadeem Shah is a journalist, counter-terrorism researcher and author of a research book Saraiki Region: Roots of Radicalization, which exposes militant networks in Saraiki region... MORE
Adrian Shahbaz
Adrian Shahbaz is a freelance Middle East analyst and contributing writer at Fair Observer, an international affairs website.
Fuad Shahbazov
Fuad Shahbazov is an independent foreign affairs analyst. He is mainly focused on Russian foreign and military policy, and the South Caucasus.
Yunis Sharifli
Yunis Sharifli is a research fellow at the Central Asia Barometer. His research areas cover Chinese foreign policy in the context of Beijing’s relations with... MORE
Farkhad Sharip
Farkhad Sharip is an independent journalist who lives in Alma-Aty, Kazakhstan.
Krishna Sharma
Krishna Sharma is a foreign affairs officer at the Department of State. The views expressed in his articles are his own and do not necessarily... MORE
Nina Shea
Nina Shea was the director of the Washington-based Center for Religious Freedom of Freedom House.
Mohammad Shehzad
Mohammad Shehzad is an independent researcher in Pakistan with years of experience reporting on jihadi groups.
Dingli Shen
Shen Dingli is a professor and Director of Center for American Studies at Fudan University. He is also the Executive Dean of Fudan’s Institute of... MORE
Puma Shen (沈伯洋)
Puma Shen (沈伯洋) serves as a legislator in the Legislative Yuan of Taiwan and holds the position of chairperson at Doublethink Lab. Additionally, Shen is... MORE
Nathaniel Sher
Nathaniel Sher is a senior research analyst at Carnegie China, where he researches China’s foreign policy and U.S.-China relations. His writings have appeared in Foreign... MORE
Justin Sherman
Justin Sherman (@jshermcyber) is a nonresident fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Cyber Statecraft Initiative and a research fellow at the Tech, Law & Security Program... MORE
Eric Y. Shibuya
Eric Y. Shibuya is Associate Professor of Strategic Studies at the Command and Staff College, Marine Corps University and a longtime specialist on Oceania. His... MORE
Yitzhak Shichor
Dr. Yitzhak Shichor is Professor of East Asian Studies and Political Science at the University of Haifa, and Senior Fellow, the Harry S Truman Research... MORE
Erich Shih
Erich Shih is currently the Washington Bureau Chief of TVBS Network, a leading cable news channel in Taiwan. From 2003-2004, he was a Visiting Fellow... MORE
Victor Shih
Victor Shih is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University. His areas of expertise are Chinese political economy, banking reforms, and privatization.
Takuya Shimodaira
Takuya Shimodaira, JMSDF Captain, is currently the first JMSDF Liaison Officer assigned as an International Fellow at the Naval War College. He earned an MA... MORE
David Shinn
During his 37 years at the Department of State, David Shinn served as Desk Officer for Somalia, Djibouti, and assistant for Ethiopia, State Department coordinator... MORE
Zaur Shiriyev
Zaur Shiriyev is an Academy Associate at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) in London. He was a senior research fellow at ADA... MORE
Murad Batal al- Shishani
Murad Batal al-Shishani is an Islamic groups and terrorism issues analyst based in London. He is a specialist on Islamic Movements in the Middle East... MORE
Shin Shoji
Shin Shoji graduated from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). He currently works as the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election Analyst for NHK... MORE
Umud Shokri
Dr. Umud Shokri is a Washington-based energy diplomacy and energy security analyst, and an analyst at Gulf State Analytics (GSA), currently serving as a Visiting... MORE
Aaron Shraberg
Aaron Shraberg is a Research Associate with DGI's Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis. His work focuses on China's science and technology policies, research and... MORE
Artyom Shraibman
Artyom Shraibman is a Belarusian political analyst and a contributor for TUT.BY and Artyom is a founder of Sense Analytics, a consultancy agency that provides comprehensive... MORE
Vadim Shtepa
Vadim Shtepa is the editor-in-chief of Region.Expert (, the only independent media outlet on Russian regionalism and federalism. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism... MORE
Gregory Shtraks
Gregory Shtraks is a PhD candidate in International Relations at the University of Washington where he is writing a dissertation on Sino-Russian and Sino-Kazakh relations.
Stephen Shue
Stephen Shue is Senior Researcher of Boodc, a knowledge-based advisory firm in China
Sharif Shuja
Sharif Shuja is Research Associate in the Global Terrorism Research Unit at Monash University in Australia.
Abubakar Siddique
Abubakar Siddique is a journalist with RFE/RL and the author of The Pashtun Question: The Unresolved Key to the Future of Pakistan and Afghanistan (London:... MORE
Pascale Combelles Siegel
Pascale Combelles Siegel is a Virginia-based independent defense consultant specializing in perception management.
Karla Simon
Karla W. Simon is Chair of ICCSL and Affiliated Scholar at NYU’s US-Asia Law Institute. She is taking up a Visiting Scholar position at Harvard’s... MORE
Bhartendu Kumar Singh
Bhartendu Kumar Singh, Ph.D., is in the Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)and serving on deputation with the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). The views expressed... MORE
Anita Inder Singh
Anita Inder Singh, a citizen of Sweden, has been a Founding Professor of the Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution in New Delhi. She has... MORE
Jasminder Singh
Jasminder Singh is a Senior Analyst with the International Center for Political Violence and Terrorism Research, a constituent unit of the S. Rajaratnam School of... MORE
Naina Singh
Naina Singh is a Ph.D. Candidate at Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. Her research focuses on the sub-national diplomacy... MORE
Julie Sirrs
Julie Sirrs was the editor of the Terrorism Monitor. Prior to that, she was an analyst focusing on Central and South Asia for the Defense... MORE
Arseny Sivitsky
Arseny Sivitsky is a military analyst and the Director of the Center for Strategic and Foreign Policy Studies in Minsk.
Thomas Skypek
Thomas M. Skypek is a Washington-based defense analyst who specializes in military transformation, deterrence and U.S. defense policy. He has supported research and analysis efforts... MORE
Michał Słowikowski
Michał Słowikowski is an associate professor at the Department of Political Systems of the University of Łódź, Poland, and researcher of its International Center for... MORE
Andrei Smirnov
Andrei Smirnov is an independent journalist covering the North Caucasus. He is based in Russia.
Anthony Smith
Anthony L. Smith is an Associate Research Professor at the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, Hawaii. The views expressed in this article are those of... MORE
Myles G. Smith
Myles G. Smith is an analyst and consultant based in Central Asia.
Jackson Smith
Jackson Smith is a research assistant at the RAND Corporation, where he focuses on Indo-Pacific security issues including Chinese influence operations and geopolitical strategic competition.
Peter Smith
Peter Smith is an investigative journalist, photographer and researcher covering violent and extremist movements across the globe. He is a reporter with the Canadian Anti-Hate... MORE
Anton Smitsendonk
Dr. Anton Smitsendonk is currently commissioner for Thailand and Indonesia in the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and was previously Ambassador of the Netherlands to... MORE
Clinton I. Smullyan
Clinton I. Smullyan is the Chairman and CEO of Mosbacher Properties Group LLC, which is involved in real property development, ownership and management.
Olena Snigyr
Olena Snigyr is the leading analyst at the Center for International Studies in the Hennadiy Udovenko Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine. From 2001 to 2017, she worked at... MORE
Scott Snyder
Scott Snyder is author of the newly-published China’s Rise and the Two Koreas and Director of the Center for U.S.-Korea Policy at The Asia Foundation.... MORE

Vladimir Socor
Vladimir Socor is a Senior Fellow of the Washington-based Jamestown Foundation and its flagship publication, Eurasia Daily Monitor (1995 to date), where he writes analytical... MORE
Alexander Sodiqov
Camilla T. N. Soerensen
Camilla T. N. Soerensen is a research fellow at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. She is currently a visiting research fellow... MORE
Leonid Sokolov
Leonid Sokolv is Ukrainian military analyst based in Kyiv.
Erika Solem
Erika Solem is a Ph. D. Fellow at the Potomac Foundation where she supports the research efforts on the China’s 21st Century Strategic Arsenal project.... MORE
Derek Solen
Derek Solen is a senior researcher at the U.S. Air Force’s China Aerospace Studies Institute. He was a civilian intelligence specialist in the U.S. Army.... MORE
Nodirbek Soliev
Nodirbek Soliev is a PhD student at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. He was a senior analyst... MORE
John Solomon
John Solomon is Head of Terrorism Research for World-Check, a provider of structured risk-related intelligence. He was formerly with the Centre for the Study of... MORE
Göktuğ Sönmez
Göktuğ Sönmez received his PhD from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London and is a visiting researcher at the Center for Middle... MORE
Robert Soutar
Robert Soutar is Managing Editor of Diálogo Chino, based in London. He holds an MSc in Comparative Politics (Latin America) and a BA in Hispanic... MORE
Dan Southerland
Dan Southerland is the Vice President of Programming and Executive Editor of Radio Free Asia (RFA). Prior to joining RFA, he was The Washington Post's... MORE
Robert Troy Souza
Robert Troy Souza is a Middle East Research Analyst at the Center for the Study of Targeted Killing. He is also an Assistant Managing Editor for... MORE
Ebi Spahiu
Ebi Spahiu is a human rights activist and an analyst of Western Balkans and Central Asian affairs, currently based in Tirana, Albania. She has worked... MORE
Robert Spalding
Currently one of The Jamestown Foundation's Board Members, US Air Force Brigadier General (ret) Robert Spalding is the former White House National Security Council senior... MORE
Joseph Spears
K. Joseph Spears has degrees in biology, economics and law and is a principal of the Horseshoe Bay Marine Group. He recently contributed to the... MORE
James Spencer
James Spencer is a retired infantry commander who specialised in low intensity conflict. He is a strategic analyst on political, security and trade issues of... MORE
Robert Spring
No further information.
Alexandra St John Murphy
Alexandra St John Murphy is a Minsk-based analyst on Eastern Europe with a focus on Belarus and the EaP region. She is a visiting fellow... MORE
Trevor Stanley
Trevor Stanley researches Islamic terrorism. He is the Editor of Perspectives on World History and Current Events
Maxim Starchak
Maxim Starchak is a Fellow at the Centre for International and Defence Policy of Queen’s University (Canada).
Jules Stewart
Jules Stewart is an author and freelance journalist based in London. During the 20 years he worked in Spain, he had frequent contact with ETA... MORE
Erik Stier
Erik Stier is a freelance journalist based in Sana'a, Yemen. His work has appeared in Time, The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Science Monitor and... MORE
Robert Stiles
Robert Stiles earned his Master of Arts in History in 2007. He graduated from Angelo State University with a Master of Security Studies.
Harvey Stockwin
Harvey Stockwin has been reporting and analysing Asian developments since 1955. Currently he broadcasts a weekly 15-minute talk "Reflections From Asia" for Radio Television Hong... MORE
Ian Storey
Ian Storey is Fellow at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore and the author of Southeast Asia and the Rise of China: The Search... MORE
Austin Strange
Austin Strange is a researcher at the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) of the U.S. Naval War College and a research associate at AidData. He... MORE
Austin Strange
Austin M. Strange is a Ph.D. student in Harvard University’s Department of Government and a Research Associate at AidData, a research and innovation lab of... MORE
Thomas Strouse
Thomas Strouse is a Director at Foreign Reports Inc., an oil consulting firm based in Washington, D.C. At Foreign Reports, he contributes to the firm’s... MORE
Sergey Sukhankin
Dr. Sergey Sukhankin is a Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation, and an Advisor at Gulf State Analytics (Washington, D.C.). He received his PhD in... MORE
Sadia Sulaiman
Sadia Sulaiman is a research analyst in World-Check's Terrorism and Insurgency Research Unit where she specializes on sub-state groups active in South and Central Asia.... MORE
Ruslanbek Sultanov
Ruslanbek Sultanov is a freelance writer based in Chechnya who covers the security and human rights situation inside Chechnya.
Steven Y. Sun
Mr. Steven Y. Sun is currently the head China analyst for G7 Group, a Washington-based political and economic research and advisory firm.
Alexander Sungurov
Alexander Sungurov is Professor and Head of Applied Political Science in the Department of Political Science at the National Research University Higher School of Economics,... MORE
Robert Sutter
Robert Sutter is Professor of Practice of International Affairs at the Elliott School of George Washington University. Sutter's government career (1968-2001) involved work on Asian... MORE
Christopher Swift
Mr. Swift is a doctoral candidate in the Center of International Studies at the University of Cambridge. His current research interests include the evolution of... MORE
Leonid Sykiyanen
Dr. Sykiyanen is a professor at the Institute of State and Law at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
Justyna Szczudlik
Justyna Szczudlik, PhD, Deputy Head of Research, and China analyst with the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM). Former Head of Asia-Pacific Program (2016-2021). She... MORE
David Szerlip
David Szerlip received his MA in Asian Studies from the Elliott School of International Affairs at The George Washington University in May 2010. He has... MORE