Orhan Gafarli

Orhan Gafarli holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from Ankara University and specializes in Russian-Turkish relation and the wider Eurasian region. A former doctoral fellow... MORE

Gary Gambill

Gary C. Gambill, a political analyst for Freedom House and adjunct professor at College of Mount Saint Vincent, has published widely on Lebanese and Syrian... MORE

Jie Gao

Jie Gao is a research associate at the Center for China Analysis at the Asia Society, where she focuses on China’s foreign policy and national... MORE

Cristina Garafola

Cristina Garafola is a Research Assistant-China Specialist at the RAND Corporation. She holds an M.A. from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and... MORE

Alicia García-Herrero

Alicia García-Herrero is a Senior Research Fellow at Bruegel and Adjunct Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is also Chief Economist... MORE

Azad Garibov

Azad Garibov is an independent analyst on the South Caucasus, Central Asia and Caspian affairs.

Daniele Garofalo

Daniele Garofalo is a researcher and analyst of jihadist terrorism. He is also involved in the study, research and analysis of jihadist organizations’ propaganda by... MORE

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross

Daveed Gartenstein-Ross is a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an adjunct assistant professor in Georgetown University’s security studies program.

John Garver

John Garver is Professor of International Relations at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Institute of Technology.

Vusal Gasimli

Dr. Vusal Gasimli is Executive Director of the Center of Analyses of Economic Reforms and Communication. Previously, he served as the chief of the Department... MORE

Oleksandr Gavrylyuk

Oleksandr Gavrylyuk is a journalist and Ukrainian expert based in Kyiv who has covered the region for 15 years.

Sam Geall

Dr Sam Geall is research fellow at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at University of Sussex and executive editor of chinadialogue.net. His research focuses on... MORE

Khalil Gebara

Khalil Gebara is a Lebanese researcher and holds a PhD in Middle Eastern Politics from the University of Exeter (UK)

Khwaja Geedar Khan

Khwaja Geedar Khan lives in Peshawar and works for various Western humanitarian aid organizations.

Christelle Genoud

Christelle Genoud is Research Associate at King's College London, where she works on the project Academic freedom, globalised scholarship and the rise of authoritarian China.... MORE

Dainius Genys

Dr. Dainius Genys works at the Andrei Sakharov Research Center for Democratic Development, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas.

Debalina Ghoshal

Debalina Ghoshal is a non-resident fellow with the Council on International Policy in Canada.

Bates Gill

Dr. Bates Gill is Professor of Asia-Pacific Security Studies at Macquarie University.  He has had a 30-year career as scholar, policy advisor, and institution-builder with... MORE

Bates Gill

Dr. Bates Gill holds the Freeman Chair in China Studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. A specialist in East Asian foreign policy... MORE

Bruce Gilley

Bruce Gilley (Ph.D. 2008, Princeton University) is an Associate Professor of Political Science. His research centers on democracy, legitimacy, and global politics, and he is... MORE

Brenda Githing’u

Brenda Mugeci Githing'u is an independent research consultant and counter-terrorism analyst focused on African terrorist organizations. She holds two bachelor’s degrees majoring in International Relations from... MORE

Antonio Giustozzi

Dr. Antonio Giustozzi is a Research Fellow at the Crisis States Research Centre at the London School of Economics. He is the author of several... MORE

John Wagner Givens

John Wagner Givens is a Scholar in Residence at the University of Louisville’s Center for Asian Democracy.

Akram Gizabi

Akram Gizabi is a freelance writer based in the United States who specializes in Afghan political and military affairs.

Bonnie S. Glaser

Bonnie Glaser is a senior adviser for Asia and the director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Gregory Gleason

Gregory Gleason is visiting professor in residence at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy, the Uzbekistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs academy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.... MORE

Joshua Gleis

Joshua Gleis is a Research Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University, and a PhD Candidate at the Fletcher... MORE

Glen Grant

Lieutenant Colonel Glen Grant served 37 years in the British Army in a wide variety of postings and jobs. He was the first advisor to... MORE

Steven Glinert

Steven Glinert is a China analyst at DGI. He graduated from George Washington University with a degree in International Relations in 2010 and has written... MORE

Paul Goble

Paul Goble is a longtime specialist on ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia. Most recently, he was director of research and publications at the Azerbaijan... MORE

Justin Godby

Justin Godby is an analyst with the Department of Defense. The views expressed here are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the... MORE

Paul H.b. Godwin

Dr. Paul H.B. Godwin retired as professor of international affairs at the National War College in the summer of 1998, where his teaching and research... MORE

Zack Gold

Zack Gold is an Adjunct Fellow at the American Security Project and a Middle East analyst focusing on U.S.-Egyptian relations and security in the Sinai... MORE

Justin Goldman

Justin Goldman is a 2013 United States-Indonesia Society Summer Studies Fellow at Gadjah Mada University and a Non-Resident Sasakawa Peace Foundation Fellow with Pacific Forum... MORE

Lyle Goldstein

Lyle Goldstein is an Associate Professor in the China Maritime Studies Institute (CMSI) of the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, RI. His most recent... MORE

Aleksandr Golts

Aleksandr Golts was born in 1955. In 1978, he received an M.A. in journalism from the Department of Journalism at the Moscow State Lomonosov University.... MORE

Sebastian Gorka

Sebastian Gorka is Adjunct Professor at the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies Program on Terrorism and Security Studies and Executive Director of... MORE

Abigail Grace

Abigail C. Grace is a Research Associate with the Asia-Pacific Security Program at the Center for a New American Security. She recently served as a... MORE

Antonio Graceffo

Antonio Graceffo, PhD is an economic researcher and China analyst based out of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Audra Grant

Audra K. Grant, PhD, is a political scientist at RAND. Her research focuses on the Middle East, and issues related to the development of political... MORE

Tom Grant

Dr. Tom Grant is an international law and international relations specialist.

Catherine Green

Catherine Green studied Russian and Post-Soviet Studies and History at William & Mary, graduating in 2020. While there, she researched collective and institutional memory in... MORE

Stephen Green

Stephen Green is Head of the Asia Program at Chatham House, London.

Sergei Gretsky

Sergei Gretsky is the Chair of Central Asia Area Studies at the Foreign Service Institute of the US Department of State.

Alexandra Grey

Dr. Alexandra Grey is a Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Law Faculty at the University of Technology Sydney. She is the author of Language... MORE

Gabriella Gricius

Gabriella Gricius is a PhD Candidate at Colorado State University, a Research Fellow and the Media Coordinator for the North American and Arctic Defence and Security... MORE

Christopher Griffin

Christopher Griffin is a research fellow in Asian Studies at the American Enterprise Institute. He can be reached at cgriffin@aei.org.

Rasheed Griffith

Rasheed Griffith is a Senior Fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue and Host of the ‘China in the Americas’ Podcast. His research focuses on China’s financial... MORE

Armen Grigoryan

Armen Grigoryan is co-founder and vice president of the Yerevan-based Center for Policy Studies, and a member of the advisory board of the project "Resilience... MORE

Mark A. Groombridge

Mark A. Groombridge is a former research fellow with the Cato Institute’s Center for Trade Policy Studies. In addition to broader international trade topics, Groombridge’s... MORE

Gerry Groot

Gerry Groot is Senior Lecturer in Chinese Studies and Head of the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. He has... MORE

Patrick W. Gross

Pat Gross is chairman of The Lovell Group, a business and technology advisory and investment firm he formed after stepping down as chairman of the... MORE

Peter Gross

Dr. Peter Gross is a professor and former director of the School of Journalism and Electronic Media at the University of Tennessee (Knoxville). He is... MORE

Derek Grossman

Derek Grossman is a senior defense analyst at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation. He formerly served at the Defense Intelligence Agency as the daily intelligence... MORE

Madeleine Gruen

Madeleine Gruen is an intelligence analyst and a candidate for a master's degree from Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs.

Pan Guang

Pan Guang is the Director and Professor of Shanghai Center for International Studies and Institute of Eurasian Studies at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Director... MORE

Nat Guillou

Nat Guillou is a political risk analyst specializing in the Middle East and South Asia with Stirling Assynt.

Olivier Guitta

Olivier Guitta is a foreign affairs and counter-terrorism consultant in Washington DC and the founder of the newsletter The Croissant, located at https://www.thecroissant.com.

Ibragim Gukemukh

Dr. Ibragim Gukemukh received his PhD in History from Kabardino-Balkarian University, and served as head of the Department of Pre-Revolutionary History in the National Museum... MORE

Zana K. Gulmohamad

Zana K. Gulmohamad is a PhD Candidate in Politics at the University of Sheffield where he is researching Iraq’s politics, security and foreign relations.

Kristen Gunness

Kristen Gunness is a China advisor for the Department of the Navy. She has extensive experience studying, living, and working in China, and has written... MORE

Michael Gunter

Michael M. Gunter is a professor of political science at Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee and teaches during the summer at the International University... MORE

Olaf Günther

Olaf Günther is senior researcher at Palacký University in Czech Republic.

Ilgar Gurbanov

Ilgar Gurbanov is a Baku-based independent analyst on energy security issues.

Charles Gurin

has covered developments in the former Soviet Union for more than a decade and also carried out journalistic assignments in other parts of the world,... MORE

Anna Gussarova

Anna Gussarova is the Director of the Central Asia Institute for Strategic Studies and currently a Visiting Fellow at the Elliott School of International Affairs, The George Washington... MORE