Rafid Jaboori
Rafid Jaboori is a journalist, writer and researcher. He is a former BBC World Service Reporter. He covered The Iraq War and its aftermath, the... MORE
Joshua Jacobs
Joshua Jacobs is a Middle Eastern Policy Analyst and published columnist at the Institute for Gulf Affairs.
TU Hasnain Jaffery
TU Hasnain Jaffery is an independent researcher on the Af-Pak jihadist landscape.
Pratik Jakhar
Pratik Jakhar is an East Asia specialist at BBC Monitoring, with over eight years of experience covering the region. He has written extensively on China... MORE
Arif Jamal
Arif Jamal is a visiting fellow at the New York University and author of “Shadow War – The Untold Story of Jihad in Kashmir.”
A. Jamali
A. Jamali is an expert of Afghanistan.
Rami Jameel
Rami Jameel is a researcher who specializes in militant groups in the Middle East and North Africa. He focuses on the political and military conflicts... MORE
N. Janardhan
Dr. N. Janardhan is the editor of Gulf in the Media at the Gulf Research Center, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Eduardo Jaramillo
Eduardo Jaramillo is an MA Candidate in Asian Studies at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service. His research interests include U.S.-China relations, Chinese elite... MORE
Mendee Jargalsaikhany
Jargalsaikhany Mendee is a political science PhD student at the University of British Columbia. He has worked at the Mongolian Ministry of Defense, Embassy in... MORE
Amrita Jash
Dr. Amrita Jash is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Geopolitics and International Relations, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), India. She was a... MORE
Gareth Jenkins
Gareth Jenkins is a writer and journalist resident in Istanbul, where he has been based for the last 20 years.
John Jennings
John Jennings wrote extensively on Afghanistan from 1987-1994 for the Associated Press, the Economist and other publications. He returned to journalism in November 2001 to... MORE
Rian Jensen
Rian Jensen was formerly the Associate Editor of China Brief at The Jamestown Foundation.
Aaron Jensen
Aaron Jensen is currently a PhD candidate in the International Doctoral Program in Asia-Pacific Studies at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan.
You Ji
You Ji, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in School of Social Science & International Studies at the University of New South Wales.
Wenran Jiang
Dr. Wenran Jiang is the Director of Canada-China Energy and Environment Forum and its annual conference since 2004. He is also is Associate Professor of... MORE
Jon (Yuan) Jiang
Jon (Yuan) Jiang is a Chinese PhD student in the Digital Media Research Centre at the Queensland University of Technology. He completed his master’s degree... MORE
Shixue Jiang
Jiang Shixue is the Vice President of the Chinese Association of Latin American Studies and Professor at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Yao Jin
Yao Jin is the pen name of a Chinese writer.
Jing Jing
Jing Jing is an M.A. candidate at the Georgetown University’s Department of Government and a intern at the Woodrow Wilson Center.
Yuan-Chou Jing
Yuan-Chou Jing is an active Colonel and Associate Professor at the Graduate Institute of China Military Affairs Studies (GICMAS), F.H.K. College, NDU, Taiwan, R.O.C. Before... MORE
Filip Jirouš
Filip Jirouš is an independent analyst focusing on PRC united front and European academic cooperation with the PRC military-industrial complex.
Wilson John
Wilson John is a Senior Fellow with Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, India.
Gregory D. Johnsen
Gregory D. Johnsen, a former Fulbright Fellow in Yemen, is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University.
Matthew Johnson
Matthew Johnson is a consultant in the areas of China’s emerging technology strategy, political economy, and foreign relations. He is the author of China’s Grand... MORE
Sabine Johnson-Reiser
Sabine Johnson-Reiser is a junior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Energy and Climate program. Her research focuses on Chinese energy and climate... MORE
Christian Jokinen
Dr. Christian Jokinen received his doctorate from the Department for Contemporary History at the University of Turku in Finland. He specializes in political violence and... MORE
Michael Jonsson
Michael Jonsson is a Partner at the AML/CFT Group and a Ph.D student at the Department of Government at Uppsala University, Sweden. He is currently... MORE
Javier Jordán
Javier Jordán (PhD) is a Lecturer in the Department of Political Science, University of Granada (Spain). He was a Research Fellow at the Training and... MORE
Alex Joske
Alex Joske is a researcher with the Australian Strategic Policy Institute’s International Cyber Policy Centre in Canberra, who specializes in the study of the CCP’s... MORE
Cecilia Joy-Perez
Cecilia Joy-Perez is an analyst with the research and advisory firm Pointe Bello. Her research focuses on the PRC’s global construction and investment projects.