Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Moscow Forced to Fill Ranks With Older Men

Executive Summary: Moscow is now increasing the age limit for military service to fill the depleted ranks of its forces in Ukraine. This is a reflection of the manpower difficulties Russia faces in its long war. Visitors to the front, officials involved in meeting the... MORE

Azerbaijan Applies for BRICS Membership

Executive Summary: Azerbaijan announced its application for BRICS membership on August 20, which has been backed by Russian leaders and emphasizes Azerbaijan’s goal of strengthening ties with China following the China-Azerbaijan joint strategic partnership declaration in July. The increased importance of the South Caucasus region... MORE

Ukrainian Drone War Shakes Up Russian Society

Executive Summary: Russia’s war against Ukraine has turned into the first major full-scale drone war, and Ukraine is dominating this aspect of the conflict through its innovation and leadership in drone production. Moscow is lagging behind in the drone war, relying on outdated Iranian drones... MORE

Unwinnable Wars, Risks of Escalation, and the Nuclear Taboo

Executive Summary: This year’s Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors, underscoring the importance of preserving the international norm against the first use of nuclear weapons amid Russia’s increasing nuclear brinkmanship. Putin has placed himself into an awkward position where his frequent... MORE

Russian Community Extremists Becoming the Black Hundreds of Today

Executive Summary: The Russian Community, a Kremlin-backed group of far-right Russian nationalists, has increasingly been attacking marginalized communities such as non-ethnic Russians, immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, and abortion doctors. The Russian Community works with the Russian security agencies, but the government is not yet ready to... MORE

Russian Army Recruitment Hangs Between Coercion and Deception

Executive Summary: The Russian government passed a law that enables the recruitment to the Russian Armed Forces of people under arrest and facing a criminal investigation, even prior to a court trial. Russia has experienced increasingly high losses in the last five months, driving demand... MORE