Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Russian Wagner Mercenaries Arrested in Belarus

On July 29, the Belarusian KGB and OMON special police forces arrested 32 Russians residing at a countryside resort, Belorusochka, just outside of Minsk. The Belarusian authorities have accused the Russians of being members of the notorious private military company (Chastnaya Voennaya Companiya—ChVK) Wagner Group,... MORE

Belarus: Elections and Sovereignty

With less than a fortnight to go before Belarus’s presidential elections on August 9, predictions remain uncertain. On the one hand, the incumbent President Alyaksandr Lukashenka will almost surely win—perhaps with as much as around 80 percent of the vote. But on the other hand,... MORE

Russia’s Navy Invests in Cruise Missile Capability

Russia’s naval development is heavily tied to the continued introduction of high-precision strike capabilities offered by the maritime variants of the Kalibr or Tsirkon hypersonic cruise missile systems. These are mentioned ever more frequently in reports on the plans to modernize the Military-Maritime Fleet (Voyenno-Morskoy... MORE

The Influence of the Pandemic on Russia’s Defense Industry

The COVID-19 pandemic has plunged the world into a recession and damaged global supply chains. Russia’s defense industry has not been immune to these disruptive processes, and it came under government-mandated lockdowns between March and June 2020. The shutdowns have already created delays in weapons... MORE

Armenia Adopts New National Security Strategy

On July 10, Armenia’s Security Council approved a new National Security Strategy. It is considerably longer than the previous version of this document, adopted in 2007 (Armenia’s first strategy planning document since the country regained its independence in 1991), and the updated strategy appears more... MORE

Coal Strategy 2035: Is Russia Preparing for the Last War?

On June 13, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved a program for the development of the domestic coal industry until 2035 (, June 14). The realization of the newly adopted program will follow three stages (, accessed July 17): The first (backdated) stage (2019–2025) envisages... MORE