Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Moscow Tries to Tame Islam in Chechnya

Ever since Chechnya was conquered in May 1859, Russia has tried out various ways to weaken the role of Islam there. It was Islam that became the banner of the North Caucasians struggle during the colonization of the region by Russia in the second half... MORE

Moscow Continues Heavy Reliance on Nuclear Weapons

At a recent nonproliferation conference Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov stated that Moscow is ready to continue reducing strategic offensive weapons on the condition that other countries preserve strategic stability and observe Russia’s indefinable mantra of equal security for all. Russia also has non-negotiable... MORE

New Cabinet Ministers to Enhance Kazakhstan’s Social Programs

The recent cabinet reshuffle in Kazakhstan clearly reflects President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s emphasis on social and employment programs and economic development, which he outlined in a program article published in July (, July 12). Following the departure of Karim Massimov, as the country’s longest serving prime... MORE

Insurgency Remains a Problem for Chechen Authorities

The Chechen authorities recently started to report regularly on hunting down militants in the foothills and mountains of the republic ( Results of manhunts normally become known only if rebels are killed, but this happens much less frequently now than in 2011. Judging by open... MORE