Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

U.S., Georgia Hold Meeting Under Strategic Partnership Charter

The second annual meeting under the US-Georgia Charter on Strategic Partnership was held on October 6 in Washington. Led by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Prime Minister Nika Gilauri, respectively, the delegations held an ‘’omnibus’’ meeting –- that is, one encompassing the Charter’s four... MORE

Ingushetia’s Islamists Adopt Nationalist Rhetoric

On October 4, the Ingush sector of the North Caucasian Islamic insurgency announced a drastic change in tactics. The insurgents declared in a videotaped statement they would temporarily cease attacks against Ingushetia’s law enforcement personnel, although reiterated that local informants who corroborate with the Russian... MORE

Pre-Election Political Competition Intensifies in Kyrgyzstan

Earlier forecasts suggesting that Kyrgyzstan’s electoral campaign season would turn violent have proved to be wrong. Twenty-nine political parties contesting the October 10 elections have conducted civilized and often creative campaigns. A recent report by the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) confirms... MORE

NATO’s Charm Offensive Towards Russia Falls on Deaf Ears

NATO officials have recently once again attempted to bridge differences with Russia in the run-up to the November NATO summit in Lisbon. President, Dmitry Medvedev, was invited to Lisbon for a parallel NATO-Russian Council summit. NATO’s Secretary-General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, during an interview to Interfax... MORE

Damascus Repeats Call For Turkish Involvement In Talks With Israel

Turkey and Syria held the second ministerial meeting of the High Level Strategic Cooperation Council in Syrian city of Latakia. The Turkish delegation, headed by Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, was composed of twelve ministers including Taner Yildiz, Vecdi Gonul and Besir Atalay (the energy, defense... MORE

PLA Displays Network-Centric Capabilities in Peace Mission 2010

Force elements, planning, scenario and the conduct of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Peace Mission 2010, staged in Kazakhstan from September 9 to 25, were largely similar to previous exercises (EDM, September 28). That is apart from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s contribution, which... MORE

Medvedev and Putin Travel Separate Economic Roads To Nowhere

The political crisis in Moscow, continuing after the dismissal of Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, dominated the Russian debates last week. Even President Dmitry Medvedev’s state visit to China was overshadowed by these events and may be remembered only due to the expression “message from China,” which... MORE

Moscow Seeks Influence in the Kyrgyz Elections

As the Kyrgyz parliamentary elections near, Moscow’s attempts to influence the elections’ outcome is becoming more obvious. By using both its hard and soft power, the Russian leadership has been supporting favorable candidates, while marginalizing others before the vote on October 10. At least two... MORE

NATO Secretary-General Pays Unedifying Visit To Georgia

Thirteen months into his tenure, NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen travelled to Georgia, the number one troop-contributing country on a per capita basis to NATO’s mission in Afghanistan. Rasmussen’s October 1 visit coincided with the death of four Georgians (a colonel and three NCOs) in... MORE