Latest Articles about China and the Asia-Pacific

Brief: Tatmadaw Uses Thermobaric Weapons on Village in Counter-Insurgency Struggle
On April 11, the Burmese air force struck a National Unity Government (NUG) ceremony at a village in country’s northern Sagaing Region (myanmar-now.org, April 11). The NUG proclaims itself as the legitimate government of Myanmar, in contrast to the military, which came to power through... MORE

The Rising Danger From Crude, Homemade Weapons and Political Violence in Japan
On April 15, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida was attacked with a homemade explosive device while attending a public campaigning event in Wakayama, a city 50 miles south of Osaka (Japan Times, April 15). This attempted assassination was chillingly reminiscent of the assassination of former... MORE

Chinese PSCs in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Cases of Francophone and Lusophone Africa
Executive Summary Due to their wealth of critical natural resources (primarily rare earth minerals), rapidly growing populations (labor and consumer markets) and strategic geographic location, many Francophone and Lusophone countries in Africa occupy strategic roles for China and its large businesses operating in, among others,... MORE

Eganius Kogoya: The Headline-Making Leader of the West Papua National Liberation Army
Since 2017, Eganius Kogoya has committed 65 attacks, resulting in the deaths of 46 individuals (kompas, February 12). He has also waged a guerilla war on two fronts: The first one is in the Papuan jungles, where he and his militants exploit the mountain's difficult... MORE

The People’s War on Drugs Rolls On
The role of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as a major source of precursor chemicals for illicit drug manufacturing, particularly fentanyl and methamphetamine, is increasingly well documented (China Brief, January 19). However, the actual level of illegal drug use within China itself remains murkier.... MORE

China’s Role in the Modernization of Malawi’s Agriculture Sector
China has assumed a key role in the modernization of Malawi’s agriculture sector, which has made recent progress in enabling smallholder farmers to produce higher crop yields. The introduction of agricultural technologies used in vegetable, fruit, maize and rice production through the China Aid Project... MORE

Will France’s China Gamble Endanger Transatlantic Ties?
Introduction In April, French President Emmanuel Macron made a state visit to China. During Macron’s visit, the two sides signed a Sino-French joint statement that identified 51 priority areas for deepening cooperation, both bilaterally and through the EU (PRC Ministry of Foreign Affairs [FMPRC], April... MORE

Missile Defense in South Korea: Will President Yoon Heed China’s Concerns?
Introduction Earlier this week, some residents of Seoul, South Korea, received an emergency alert to prepare for a potential evacuation following military reports that North Korea had fired a projectile southward (Yonhap, May 31). The alerts, which stemmed from an errant North Korean satellite launch... MORE

Kazakhstan’s Uranium Exacerbating Geopolitical Conflict in Eurasia
Kazakhstan is the largest producer and exporter of uranium globally, mining and exporting more than 40 percent of the world’s supply. Up to now, it has been the major supplier for Russia and before that the Soviet Union. But today, other countries are becoming involved,... MORE

Brief: Abu Sayyaf Surrenders Indicate Growing Dysfunction
On May 23, eight former Abu Sayyaf members surrendered to the Philippine government by handing over their guns and pledging loyalty to the state (manilatimes.net, May 26). This continues the broader depletion of the group’s ranks due to defections, which have put the group on... MORE