Latest Articles about Latin America

Moscow Rediscovers the South American Arms Market
These are trying times for Russian arms sellers. UN resolutions have closed much of the Iranian markets. Revolutionary violence in Syria and Libya has stopped billions of dollars in sales to those countries. Chinese competition is now putting Russian producers under considerable pressure in the... MORE

The Shining Path’s Comrade Artemio: Leader of Peru’s Narco-Maoists
Since the capture of Abimael Guzmán, the principal leader of the Shining Path (El Sendero Luminoso-SL), 18 years ago, many in Peru believed the Maoist insurgency that had plagued Peru’s countryside since 1980 had ended permanently. The Shining Path was thought to be a spent... MORE

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Africa-to-Europe Narco-Trafficking Connection
Of the various Salafi-Jihadi militant groups currently operating, few have been as aggressive in their pursuit of financing as al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), which has added narcotics trafficking to its staples of kidnapping for ransom as well as the smuggling of cigarettes and... MORE

Moscow Coordinates Oil and Gas Asset Transfers with BP and Chavez
Rosneft's Kremlin-led breakthrough into German oil refining (EDM, October 19) has been accompanied by a sudden global expansion of the Russian half in the TNK-BP joint venture, again at the expense of its partner British Petroleum. Both Russian moves capitalize on BP's financial liabilities from... MORE

Kremlin Wins, Germany Loses From the Chavez Gift to Rosneft
On October 16 in Moscow, Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, and his Venezuelan counterpart, Hugo Chavez, witnessed the signing of an agreement whereby Russia’s Rosneft takes over Petroleos de Venezuela’s (PDVSA) massive refining capacities in Germany. With this, Rosneft is acquiring 10 percent of the total... MORE

If a Rebel Falls in the Forest: The Steady Evisceration of the FARC Leadership in Colombia
New Developments on the Colombian Battlefield The elimination of senior FARC leadership continues to intensify under the new Colombian presidency of Jose Manuel Santos. Aggressive tactics against the senior command structure of Colombia’s Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) rebels have not let up since... MORE

The Long Road to Revolution: A Profile of ETA’s Arturo Cubillas Fontán
Arturo Cubillas Fontán adds a new dimension to the Basque terrorist organization Euskadi ta Askatasuna (ETA—Basque Homeland and Liberty). The ETA has historically been known as a grouping of militants fighting for the independence of the Basque Country from the Spanish crown and the perceived... MORE

Advances in China – Latin America Space Cooperation
In China’s first white paper on the country's relationship with Latin America released in November 2008, the only reference to cooperation on space issues accounts for a portion of one sentence within the long document: “The Chinese side will also strengthen cooperation with Latin America... MORE
Putin and Chavez Reach Major Deals in Caracas : Part Two
Russia’s central partner in Latin America remains Venezuela and Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin’s, visit there underscores the scope of that partnership. Putin’s trip encompassed several large deals with Venezuela that reveal the true scope of this partnership, even if bilateral trade fell to $297 million... MORE
Putin Makes Energy and Arms Deals with Potential Latin American Allies: Part One
There can be no doubting Moscow’s intention to play a larger role in Latin America. President, Dmitry Medvedev, has confirmed this and Russian diplomacy in the past three months has featured trips by Latin American leaders to Moscow as well as by Medvedev and Prime... MORE