Latest Articles about United States

The Ukraine Crisis and China-India Relations

Introduction On March 25, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi made a surprise visit to India after stopovers in Pakistan and Afghanistan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China [FMPRC], March 25). The visit was the first by a high-level Chinese official... MORE

Putin’s War in Ukraine Leading to Revival of GUAM

Twenty-five years ago this month, Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova formed the GUAM consultative forum to counter Russian efforts to keep them within Moscow’s orbit via the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and to promote their own integration with the democratic West (, accessed October... MORE

Escalation in Karabakh Casts Shadow Over Peace Process

Beginning on the night of September 12, three days of escalation gave way to violent clashes between the Armenian and Azerbaijani armed forces along the internationally recognized border between the two countries—the bloodiest since the 2020 trilateral agreement following the Second Karabakh War. On September... MORE

Lessons of the Ukraine War Thus Far

The all-out Ukrainian war, waging now for seven months, has already provided several valuable lessons. Indeed, the fighting has tested various prewar ideas on military development that had been widely discussed among Ukrainian military experts before the war. As Russia continues to be an imminent... MORE

Russia’s Demographic Problems Make Putin’s Mobilization Plans Explosive

Russia’s demographic problems, including the extremely high male mortality among working-age groups (, accessed September 21;, August 1) and the declining size of the Russian nation, especially in rural areas where most soldiers come from and opposition to the war is growing (Siberia.Realities, August... MORE