Latest Articles about Russia

Workforce Shortages Plague Russian Arms Manufacturing

Executive Summary: Russian Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov recently claimed that 520,000 workers have been added to the country’s military-industrial complex since the beginning of 2023, though he conceded that the sector is still facing a deficit of 160,000 employees. These estimates, however, misrepresent a... MORE

The State of Ukrainian Air Defense (Part Two)

Executive Summary: Russia’s long war against Ukraine has highlighted the importance of front-line air defense systems as well as the accompanying munitions and reconnaissance/communication capabilities. The proliferation of precision air attack weapons and the unprecedented number of simultaneous air threats have elevated the importance of... MORE

Moscow Uses Cossacks to Feign Interethnic Harmony in Russia

Executive Summary: The Kremlin is increasingly relying on the state-registered Cossack movement to feign interethnic harmony and national unity in Russia, pushing back against reports of growing social unrest throughout the country. While the Cossacks are touted as rising above ethnic differences, some still promote... MORE

Russian Economy Stagnates Amid Claims of Growing Global Influence

Executive Summary: Pro-Kremlin analysts increasingly insist that Moscow is becoming a leader in the next phase of global technological advancement and is moving toward the economy of the future. Some official statistics indicate otherwise. Russian production and technological development still depend heavily on foreign-made machine... MORE

Russia Works to Displace French Influence in Chad

Executive Summary: Mahamat Idriss Déby, Chad’s new president, has voiced interest in increasing cooperation with Moscow amid creeping Russian influence throughout the Sahel. Any move by the young president toward replacing French influence with a Russian presence will likely be met with strong resistance from... MORE

Türkiye Strengthens Pivot Toward China

Executive Summary: Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan’s visit to Xinjiang underscores an expanding partnership with China, signaling a shift in Türkiye’s approach to the Uyghur issue and demonstrating a renewed focus on strengthening bilateral ties. Ankara seeks greater Chinese investment and a reduction in their trade imbalance amid severe economic struggles... MORE

Putin’s Asia Tour Exposes Russia’s Rapid Degradation From Long War

Executive Summary: Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea and Vietnam to neutralize the diplomatic outcomes of the peace summit in Switzerland and prove Russia’s ability to maintain a high international profile. Nuclear saber-rattling and Moscow’s need for more artillery shells were high on Putin’s... MORE