Latest Articles about Russia

Zelenskyy Bans Negotiations With Putin
On October 4, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy released a decree effectively ruling out negotiations with Russia’s incumbent president. Technically, Zelenskyy’s decree confers legal force on the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council’s (NSDC, or in Ukrainian, RNBO) September 30 decision, which “determin[ed] that holding negotiations... MORE

Are Non-Russians Putin’s Primary Domestic Target for War Effort—or Simply Collateral Damage?
For almost a century, a debate has raged about whether Joseph Stalin’s collectivization was primarily an act of genocide directed against Ukrainians or an effort designed to destroy the peasantry as a class—whose members were not all Ukrainians. That Stalin had a particular hatred for... MORE

Nord Stream Explosions: Russian Sabotage in the Baltic?
On Monday, September 26, European media reported a significant loss of pressure in the Nord Stream Two pipeline. Shortly thereafter, Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson reported that a number of explosions had been recorded. Seismologists in Denmark and Sweden confirmed that they had registered the... MORE

School Shooting in Izhevsk: A Specter of Further Anti-State Violence in Russia?
Set against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine, school shootings in Russia—such as the one that took place in Izhevsk and claimed the lives of 15 people (11 children and four adults) on September 26—seem like background noise deflecting from the main issue (Mk.ru,... MORE

Russia Keeps ‘Gathering’ Non-Russian Lands in Ukraine and Beyond
The Muscovite Tsardom portrayed its relentless territorial expansion as “gathering Russian lands.” In many cases, the lands in question were not even Russian, but once conquered, they were subjected to Russification in due course. The tsars and Russian emperors added the informal but glowing title... MORE

Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipelines and Gazprom Policies Fuel Gas Fears in Europe
At the end of September 2022, four separate leaks were reported on the Nord Stream One and Nord Stream Two pipelines (Svd.se, September 29). Based on preliminary evidence, the damage was deemed to be caused by deliberate acts of sabotage and not resulting from natural... MORE

Russia’s New Maritime Doctrine: Desperately Needed and Long Overdue
On July 31, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a new maritime doctrine, replacing the country’s previous Maritime Doctrine of the Russian Federation, instituted in June 2015 (Kremlin.ru, July 31). The highly ambitious new 106-section policy states throughout that the main security threats to Russia are... MORE

Mobilization as a Triumph of Political Eschatology
The first week of the “partial mobilization” in Russia, which started on September 21, has demonstrated rampant bureaucratic chaos, a lack of planning and a deficit of training facilities and even basic equipment (72.ru, September 26; Kommersant, September 27; Sekret Firmy, September 28; Ura.ru, September... MORE

Anti-Mobilization Protests in Dagestan Becoming a Maidan in the North Caucasus
Since Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his partial mobilization program on September 21, officials across Russia have sought to carry out his order. This has sparked protests in more than 50 cities and fire bombings of official buildings in more than 20. Outside the two... MORE

Azerbaijan and Armenia Agree to Start Work on Peace Treaty (Part Two)
On September 14, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan addressed parliament in the wake of clashes at the Armenian-Azerbaijani border. Pashinyan announced that he would sign a document stipulating that “Armenia will have lasting peace and security in an area of 29,800 square kilometers,” in reference... MORE