Latest Articles about Russia

War in Ukraine Transforms Russia’s Hydrogen Strategy Into Illusion
The Kremlin’s unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine and ensuing international economic sanctions targeting the Russian Federation have already damaged Russia’s non-renewable energy export capabilities, hitting both the oil and natural gas sectors (The Moscow Times—Russian service, June 28). Now, those economic measures are taking... MORE

NATO Summit: New Strategic Concept Brings New Realism About Russia
Heads of state and government of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) convened on June 28–30, in Madrid, in the unprecedented circumstances of Russia’s invasion of NATO’s most important partner country, Ukraine, touching on the Alliance’s own eastern front line. The military-political bloc adopted a... MORE

Georgia-NATO: The Pause ‘Deepens’
On June 28–30, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Garibashvili took part in the ceremonial portions of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit held in Madrid, Spain. In general, this latest gathering of Alliance leaders not only did not bring about anything new or substantial for... MORE

Tashkent Cracks Down Hard on Massive Protests in Karakalpakstan
At the end of June, Uzbekistan’s central government published the draft of a new constitution that would strip the autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan of the right to secede, which heretofore had been guaranteed in the existing basic law. As a result, on July 1, thousands... MORE

Seeking to Crack Western Unity, Putin Sinks Russian Economy
On the Donbas battlefields, Russian troops still strive to advance, but in the global arena of confrontation with the collective West, Russia keeps losing ground. A sequence of heavy blows breached Russian defensive geopolitical positions last week, and Moscow’s attempts at counterstrikes only aggravated the... MORE

Denys Prokopenko: The Rise, Capture, and Coming Show Trial of Ukraine’s Azov Regiment Commander
Introduction There is a hackneyed but true saying that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist. Since the Russians invaded Ukraine in February, this duality has been most prominently embodied by Azov Regiment Commander Denys “Redis” Prokopenko. To many Ukraine supporters, he is a... MORE

Sheikh Mansur Battalion Commander Muslim Cheberloyevsky: From Chechen Nationalist to Defender of Ukrainian Sovereignty
Just a year ago, Muslim Cheberloyevsky's life in Ukraine was teetering precariously on the brink of disaster after the country’s National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) blacklisted him as a major criminal underworld figure (President.gov.ua, May 14, 2021). For reasons which are still yet to... MORE

Threat Perceptions of Russia Align in Central Europe
On June 24, the first contingent of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) multinational battlegroup set up to guard Slovakia’s eastern flank and commanded by Czech forces became operational (Mise.army.cz, June 26). Slovakia joins Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria as the newest recipients of NATO’s Enhanced... MORE

A Prolonged War in Ukraine Is Advantageous to Russia
On June 18, Lithuania blocked the transit by rail of sanctioned goods between Kaliningrad Oblast and the rest of Russia , a step that Russian propaganda immediately claimed could be a harbinger of a larger war in Europe involving Moscow and the North Atlantic Treaty... MORE

Putin’s War in Ukraine Exacerbates Russia’s Serious Demographic Problems
Wars almost invariably have serious demographic consequences, not only for the countries attacked but also for the attackers. Armed conflicts create immediate losses in lives and a decline in births on both sides, aggravate other pre-existing negative demographic trends and, most importantly, disrupt the number... MORE