Latest Articles about Russia
Putin Pushes to Call All Russian Residents ‘Russkiye’: Word for Ethnic Nation
Executive Summary: The Russian language uses two words for “Russian.” One primarily denotes Russian ethnicity, and the other usually refers to citizens of the Russian Federation (regardless of their ethnicity). Due to a decline in residents declaring themselves as ethnic Russians and a desire to... MORE
Rumors Spread of Russia’s Prospective Use of Nuclear Weapons in Outer Space
Executive Summary: Russia has acknowledged its inability to compete with the West in space and is looking for solutions to shore up the weaknesses of its space program. Moscow views the military satellite systems of the United States and its allies as a significant military... MORE
Russia’s Post-Putin Future Becomes Darker
Executive Summary: Alexei Navalny’s death may spur the West to take more decisive actions against Russia. The US House of Representatives may now be pressured to pass the $95 billion package for aid to Ukraine, and Western governments may consider seizing foreign-held Russian assets. Navalny’s... MORE
The Kremlin Feared Navalny in Life and Continues to Fear Him in Death (Part One)
Executive Summary: Alexei Navalny died while serving a 19-year sentence in a high-security prison colony. Foreign leaders have directly blamed the Kremlin and Russian President Vladimir Putin for his death. Navalny continually challenged the Kremlin, participated in protests, and attempted to run for office despite... MORE
Water Shortages in Russian-Occupied Crimea Set to Trigger Mass Outmigration
Executive Summary: Russian-occupied Crimea is now facing water shortages so severe that as many as 500,000 of the peninsula’s 2.5 million residents may soon be forced to try to flee despite Moscow’s claims to the contrary. Such outmigration undermines Russian control. It also creates difficulties... MORE
Russia Combats Internet Freedom
Executive Summary: The conflict in Ukraine has prompted Russia to intensify its efforts to restrict internet freedom, leading to unprecedented measures against uncensored information and internet encryption. In response to censorship, Russian users have turned to VPN technology for accessing uncensored news. Russian officials are... MORE
Russians Open Record Number of Businesses in Georgia Amid War in Ukraine
Executive Summary: Russia has significantly increased its influence in Georgian business, particularly after the beginning of the war against Ukraine. More Russian businesses have opened in Georgia since the start of the war in Ukraine than in the past 30 years combined. Russian business penetration... MORE
Cossacks Plan for February Meeting
Executive Summary: The upcoming “Big Circle” (Bol’shoi Krug) meeting of Russia’s Cossack movement highlights their growing significance in Kremlin planning and national affairs, akin to the involvement of similar groups in Soviet-era politics. The meeting aims to unify the Cossacks around President Putin and discuss... MORE
Russian Rhetoric Toward Central Asia Grows Increasingly Hostile
Executive Summary: Russia’s rhetoric toward Central Asian countries, including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, has become increasingly hostile since the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The rhetoric from Russia includes threats of invasion and annexation, reminiscent of the language used toward Ukraine before... MORE
Baltics and Ukraine Move to Reduce Russian Orthodoxy to Smaller National Church
Executive Summary: The Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is gradually losing its position at home–and more rapidly in some post-Soviet states–due to its slavish support of Putin’s war in Ukraine. While Kyiv is about to ban its branch, Tallinn is demolishing a compromise... MORE