Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Moscow Supports Creation of Single Agricultural Cossack Enterprise in Stavropol Region
In the past several years, Moscow has reinvigorated its efforts to unite the plethora of Cossack organizations in southern Russia. One of the most important issues dividing various groups of Cossacks has been their affiliation with the government. Some Cossack communities belong to so-called “registered”... MORE

The ‘Prussian Curse’ on Kaliningrad Governors Remains Unbroken
On July 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin relieved the governor of Kaliningrad Oblast, Nikolay Tsukanov, of his duties (, July 29). Tsukanov’s temporary replacement, Major-General Evgeny Zinichev, used to head the local branch of the Federal Security Service (FSB) (, July 28). Later, Kremlin spokesperson... MORE

Is Putin Planning a ‘Hybrid’ Deportation of Crimean Tatars and North Caucasians?
Reportedly, the Kremlin is mulling an idea to relocate 500,000–1,000,000 people from the southern portions of the Russian Federation to the Far East and Siberia. This prospect has sparked fears among some non-Russians. Specifically, certain regional minorities, including Crimean Tatars from the Russian-occupied Ukrainian peninsula,... MORE

Russian Regional Elections: Complete Predictability Can Become Unpredictable
The September 18 Russian elections (see EDM, September 19) were not only for the State Duma. In this “single voting day,” Russians also elected 7 governors and 39 regional legislative assemblies. Governors in today’s Russia are formally elected by a direct vote, but this system... MORE

Chechnya Hosts International Islamic Conference
It has become common practice for the authorities to hold large international Islamic conferences in Chechnya. The latest such conference took place on August 25–27, 2016, in Grozny. Over 100 religious leaders from 30 countries took part in the gathering, including Jordan, Qatar, Morocco, Egypt,... MORE

Belarusians Debate Parliamentary Elections
Political commentators continue to discuss the outcomes of Belarus’s September 11 parliamentary elections (see EDM, September 12). According to the official results, the lowest voter turnout was in the city of Minsk, 61 percent; and the highest in Mogilev Oblast, 81 percent (Belarus Segodnya, September... MORE

Circassians in Predominantly Ethnic-Russian Krasnodar Demand Recognition as Region’s Indigenous Population
Ramazan Khun, a Circassian activist from Russia’s Krasnodar region, posted an unusual online petition on the website The petition calls on the Russian government, President Vladimir Putin, and the administration of Krasnodar krai to grant indigenous rights to the Circassians, who reside on the... MORE

Moscow Again Trying to Pit Ethnic Russians in Northeastern Estonia Against Tallinn
Moscow is again stirring the pot in northeastern Estonia, trying to pit the ethnic-Russian community there against Tallinn. And it is doing so in the classic tradition of Vladimir Putin’s “hybrid” war: specifically, Russia is using a report prepared by the Estonian Security Police that... MORE

Nazarbayev Shakes up Government Amid Weak Economy and Worries of Insecurity
Following a month of lull in August, when the parliament was in recess and the majority of cabinet ministers took a short break from meetings and press briefings, Kazakhstani President Nursultan Nazarbayev opened the fall’s joint session of the Mazhilis and the Senate (lower and... MORE

Duma Elections and the Future of Russian Politics After Putin
Sunday’s (September 18) parliamentary elections in Russia were preceded by perhaps the country’s most listless and dullest campaign in years. The official results rather persuasively underscore this characterization. For the third time in a row, the same four parties—United Russia (officially having received 54.28 percent... MORE