Latest Articles about Domestic/Social

Failure in Ukraine Increases Moscow’s Repression and Citizens’ Distrust
Despite unprecedented repression by the Russian authorities against anyone who doubts the necessity of President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, more citizens are finding the courage to speak out. At the beginning of September 2022, a group of deputies representing St. Petersburg’s Smolninsky district appealed... MORE

Islamist Radicals From Afghanistan Now Fighting for Tajikistan Against Kyrgyzstan
One of the greatest nightmares for the countries of Central Asia; outside powers, such as Russia, China and the United States, who are worried about regional stability; and even for Kabul itself, which fears regional blowback, is that radicals from Afghanistan will cross into the... MORE

Azerbaijan and Armenia Agree to Start Work on Peace Treaty (Part One)
On September 13, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry claimed that the Armenian Armed Forces had committed large-scale provocations in the areas of Dashkasan, Kalbajar and Lachin at the Azerbaijani-Armenian border (, September 13). Armenia denies these allegations (, September 13). Shortly thereafter, severe hostilities commenced between... MORE

Editor’s Introduction—Special Issue on the 20th Party Congress: The Xi Era Enters its Second Decade
On August 31, state media announced a determination reached at a Politburo meeting the previous day that the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), henceforth the 20th Party Congress, will commence in Beijing on October 16 (People’s Daily, August 31). During the... MORE

The 20th Party Congress and the Future of Elite Politics in China: An Interview with Willy Wo-Lap Lam
It is widely perceived that President Xi Jinping sees China as enmeshed in a broader struggle between an axis of authoritarian powers on the one hand and the U.S. and its allies, a coalition of (largely) liberal democracies on the other. What is driving Xi... MORE

Putin Is Anti-Gorbachev
Political scientist Fyodor Krasheninnikov, who emigrated from Russia, noted that the Kremlin did everything to ensure that Mikhail Gorbachev’s funeral was “silent.” No speeches were made in memory of this historic politician. As Krasheninnikov lamented, “Everything that can and should be said at his grave... MORE

Émigré Anti-Putin Opposition Risks Becoming Victim of a New Trust Operation
Not since the 1920s has there been such a large Russian emigration committed to change at home, with at least some members prepared to support or even organize violent attacks on the regime in Moscow. And so, it should come as no surprise that some... MORE

Is De-Oligarchization of Georgia Possible?
In her July 13 speech in the European Parliament (EP), Lithuanian parliamentarian Rasa Jukneviciene stressed, when talking about the problems of Georgian democracy, that the main challenge goes by the name of one rich man. “Georgia seems to be in the captivity of one person,”... MORE

Political Maneuvering in and Around Belarus
It has been relatively calm in Belarus lately. The economic decline continues (see EDM, August 9); Russian artillery keeps targeting Ukraine from Belarus’s territory; and citizens of Latvia, Poland and Lithuania continue to take advantage of visa-free travel to Belarus, mostly for the sake of... MORE

Moscow Losing Another Nation’s Orthodox Church—This Time Latvia’s
Since 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed and the Orthodox faithful and leaders in the former Soviet republics and formerly occupied Baltic countries began to press for independence from the Moscow Patriarchate, the Russian Orthodox Church and equally the Russian government have been worried about... MORE