Latest Articles about Economics

Karzai’s State Visit Highlights Beijing’s Afghan Priorities

From March 23 to March 25, Afghan President Hamid Karzai conducted a state visit to China. The trip underscored the People's Republic of China's (PRC) support for the Karzai-led government, with the Afghan president telling his hosts that Sino-Afghanistan relations were better than at any... MORE

Syria in China’s New Silk Road Strategy

While the international community is fixated on Iran’s nuclear program, China has been steadily expanding its political, economic and strategic ties with Syria. Since Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visited China in 2004 on the heels of the 2003 U.S. intervention in Iraq, there have been... MORE

Russian Economy Failing to Modernize

In his first comment on the sudden explosion of violent conflict in Kyrgyzstan, President Dmitry Medvedev tersely observed that “the protests reflect an extreme disaffection with the incumbent authorities among ordinary people.” Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, was only slightly more verbose recalling that “when President... MORE

Belarus Sues Russia in the CIS Economic Court

In a precedent-setting move, Belarus is suing Russia in the CIS Economic Court. The case at hand concerns Russian export duties on refined oil products and “petrochemical raw materials” to Belarus. The procedure could open the way for recourse to the CIS Economic Court on... MORE

Google and China’s Changing Economic Paradigm

Following two months of tussling with the Chinese government—much of it under the glare of intense media coverage—Google Inc. (GOOG) abandoned its core business in the world's most populous nation. Specifically, on March 22, the Mountain View-based company announced it had stopped censoring search results... MORE

Azerbaijan Seeks New Partners to Diversify its Economy

On March 19, during the launch of construction works for the large shipbuilding factory in the outskirts of Baku, President Ilham Aliyev announced: “At the moment, in Azerbaijan, we are conducting a policy of large-scale industrialization” (Azertaj news agency). As he made the statement, he... MORE