Latest Articles about Foreign Policy

Moldova: Russia’s Next Target if the West Falters in Ukraine (Part Two)
Russia’s annexation of Crimea from Ukraine in March was an overture to the broader “Novorossiya” project, announced by President Vladimir Putin on April 17. This covers eight Ukrainian provinces that Russia aims to carve out of Ukraine, whether through “federalization” or some form of Russian... MORE

Moldova: Russia’s Next Target if the West Falters in Ukraine (Part One)
Viewed from Moldova, the Kremlin’s assault on Ukraine (like the earlier one on Georgia) aims to prevent the country permanently from joining Europe and the West writ large. To defeat those aspirations, Russia acts to destabilize Ukraine’s Western-oriented government and to break up the country’s... MORE

Moldova Sending Confusing Signals Amid Open Russian Threats
On May 19, speaking on a talk show aired on Noroc TV, Moldova’s Prime Minister Iurie Leanca made a number of revelations about what he referred to as the current cooling state of diplomatic relations between Moldova and Russia. In particular, Leanca highlighted a canceled... MORE

Costa Rica at Crossroads in Courtship with Beijing
In few other countries in Latin America and the Caribbean have the strategic objectives of China been as clear as in its relationship with Costa Rica. Yet in few other countries has the PRC experienced so many difficulties compared to the level of effort invested.... MORE

‘Development is the Key to Peace’: Chinese Leaders Discuss Future of Asia
While tensions in the South China Sea have gone from bad to worse, with riots in Vietnam targeting Chinese businesses and a range of ASEAN states exploring ways to counter Chinese actions (see “Challenged by China, ASEAN States Seek Common Response,” in this issue), Xi’s... MORE

Modi Faces Pressing Questions About India’s China Policy
Traditionally, Indian policy toward China has been mostly characterized by continuity. As far as Beijing is concerned, in spite of regime change in the past, India has pursued steady engagement with its northern neighbor. Now that the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), led by the nationalist... MORE

Possible Window of Opportunity for Diplomacy in the Ukrainian Crisis
The Russian military seems to have begun a genuine pullback of combat forces, which had been poised for almost three months on the eastern borders of Ukraine. On May 19, President Vladimir Putin flew to Shanghai to oversee the signing of a grandiose agreement to... MORE

Kazakhstan Nervously Contemplates Possible Impact of Sanctions Against Russia
As the United States and the European Union continue to further step up sanctions against Russia for its annexation of Crimea and its subsequent fractious relations with Ukraine (ITAR-TASS, May 21), government officials in neighboring Kazakhstan are increasingly anxious about the potential impact these sanctions... MORE

Border Clashes With Kyrgyzstan Threaten Tajikistan’s Regional Integration
On May 7, 2014, clashes occurred along the disputed border between Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, injuring as many as 60 people (Ozodi, May 8). Reportedly, the clashes began with a small group of drunk youths throwing stones at each other, but the incident soon escalated to... MORE

Tbilisi, Baku and Ankara Affirm an Informal Tripartite Union
Against the backdrop of the events in Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey have agreed to cooperate more closely in economic, transport and energy safety spheres.The first tripartite summit of the presidents of Georgia, Azerbaijan and Turkey took place in Tbilisi on May 6 (Civil Georgia,... MORE