Latest Articles about Military/Security

Russia’s Iskander Missile System and the Collapse of the INF Treaty

Since the final collapse of the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, in August 2019, accusations and denials have abounded between Moscow and Washington concerning the controversial issue of the cruise missile range of the Iskander-M operational-tactical missile system (Operativno-Takticheskiy Raketnyy Kompleks—OTRK). Moscow strenuously denies... MORE

Shoigu Reflects on Russian Military Advances in 2019

Russia’s minister of defense, Army General Sergei Shoigu, used his annual address to the Defense Ministry Collegium, on December 24, to detail the advances in the country’s Armed Forces in 2019. In his speech, he blamed the current poor state of relations between Russia and... MORE

The Role of the Arctic in Chinese Naval Strategy

Introduction In her recent China Brief article, Dr. Anne-Marie Brady examined the prospect of China deploying military power to the Arctic (China Brief, December 10). Applying the methods she used in her pathbreaking 2017 book, Brady draws from authoritative Chinese sources to demonstrate the growing... MORE

Pashinyan Tries to Leverage Armenia’s CSTO Membership Against Azerbaijan

The Russia-led Collective Security Treaty Organization’s (CSTO) political-executive body, the Collective Security Council, held a session on November 27–28, in Bishkek, at which Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan declared that member states “must leave orders of [the] Azerbaijani side to acquire new weapons unanswered” (,... MORE

The OSCE in 2019: Epitaphs to Cooperative Security Doctrines

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has marked this year the 25th anniversary of the OSCE’s Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security, 25th anniversary of the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances to Ukraine (both pacts adopted at the OSCE’s 1994... MORE

Europe Ensnared in a Web of Russian Spies

On December 4, the French newspaper Le Monde published a report arguing that at least 15 Russian spies allegedly belonging to “Unit 29155” of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU) have been using the Haute-Savoie... MORE

Shoigu Confirms Priority Status of Tsirkon and Kalibr Missiles

Russia’s Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has confirmed a planned surge in the number of warships to be equipped with Tsirkon and Kalibr cruise missiles, which follows President Vladimir Putin placing similar emphasis on these systems during his recent series of meetings with defense industry officials,... MORE