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Is It Time for an Updated ‘Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations?’
The strength and longevity of the West’s anti-Communist effort during the Cold War rested on two alliances that no longer exist. The first was the alliance between those committed to democracy and freedom and those committed to free market capitalism; the second linked together those... MORE
Moscow’s Donbas ‘Curators’ Seek to Quell Panic Among Soldiers in Separatist Donetsk
By Paul GobleOne of the darkest parts of the murky history of Moscow’s “hybrid” war in Ukraine is the role of Russian “curators”—the Russian advisors who direct the activities of the military and civilian structures in the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk Peoples’ Republics (DPR, LPR)... MORE
The South China Sea: An Inside Story
**This is provided to Jamestown subscribers to share the private views of a member of The Jamestown Foundation's Board of Directors. This is not an official Jamestown publication and the views contained herein may not reflect the views of the Foundation.** This is not titled... MORE
Moscow Seeks to Isolate Finno-Ugric Peoples in Russia From Those in the West
By Paul GobleTwenty of the 24 Finno-Ugric peoples live on the territory of the Russian Federation, and more than 3 million of the 25 million people in the Finno-Ugric world are citizens of that country. Since 1991, the three Finno-Ugric countries in the West—Estonia, Finland... MORE
Putin’s ‘Hybrid War’ Against Russia’s Smallest Nationalities
By Paul GobleMoscow’s approach to the country’s smallest non-Russian nationalities has historically been measured by the opening and closing of schools, the level of support for non-Russian language institutions, the share of officials from indigenous nationalities in key positions, and so on. Over the past... MORE
Ethnic Balance Shifting Against Moscow East of the Urals
By Paul Goble In Soviet times, the predominantly Russian Slavic share of the population east of the Urals rose to 80 percent, overwhelming the non-Russians there and ensuring Moscow’s control. This eastward migration of Slavs came about both as a result of state coercion under... MORE
Volga Tatars in Iran Being Turkmenified
By Paul GobleMany observers are aware that ethnic Azerbaijanis constitute more than a quarter of the population of Iran, but fewer have taken note of the fact that other Turkic groups from the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation are present in... MORE
Hitherto Secret Communist Party Documents Corroborate Evidence That Holodomor Was ‘Genocide’
By Paul GobleIt is a hallmark of the post–World War II era: those peoples who have been subject to mass murder, expulsion from their homelands, or other crimes intended to destroy them as an ethnic community have wanted the world to identify what happened to... MORE
The Japan Factor
**This is provided to Jamestown subscribers to share the private views of a member of The Jamestown Foundation's Board of Directors. This is not an official Jamestown publication and the views contained herein may not reflect the views of the Foundation.** Japan—and not the United... MORE
Migration Flows—and Not Just Russian Flight—a Problem for Kazakhstan
By Paul GobleAlmost all discussions about migration to and from Kazakhstan focus on the departure of ethnic Russians and other Russian speakers since 1991. This emigration wave has increased the dominance of the titular nationality there. But while the Russian exodus has cost Kazakhstan some... MORE