Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Kyiv Expands Efforts to Attract Non-Russians in Russia

As Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine drags on, Ukraine is stepping up its efforts to attract the non-Russian peoples of Russia to its side. Kyiv is working from the long-standing conviction that these nations are natural allies in resisting Russian imperialism. Ukraine’s current... MORE

Will Belarusian Westernizers Recover?

Belarus-watchers, including policymakers, can do more to understand several important facts about Belarus as a national community. First, Belarusian nation-building is still a work in progress. Second, the Belarusian national movement was a latecomer compared with those of the Russians and Poles and was less... MORE

The Wagner Group Evolves After the Death of Prigozhin

The end of September and early October brought several important developments concerning the Wagner Group and its future. On September 27, a press officer for the Eastern Group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), Illia Yevlash, confirmed the presence of Wagner mercenaries in the... MORE

Zangezur Emerges From the Shadows as a Dangerous New Hotspot

The violence in the Middle East has overshadowed the rise of a potentially explosive hot spot in the South Caucasus following Azerbaijan’s re-assertion of control over the Karabakh region. That is the Zangezur Corridor, a narrow strip of land inside Armenia (known as the Syunik... MORE

Russian Opposition in Exile Attempts to Influence Situation Back Home

Over the past weekend, the Telegram channel "Nezygar," closely aligned with the Russian presidential administration, erupted with posts criticizing the liberal positions prevalent among Russian exiles. The channel's authors and experts concurred that the so-called "non-systemic opposition," currently residing abroad, lacks both a substantial following... MORE